If it weren't for the fact that she had already finished, Baldur's presence might have compelled Eshna to tie Lucky's bandage in some fantastic fashion. Maybe add in some ribbons or paint, as if to make it presentable for the grandiose appearance of the god in flesh. She couldn't help but remain taught and considerate during the entirety of his ominous and yet strangely warming speech. The myth all seemed to be coming together then, and she could understand why any of this was even necessary. The weapons made sense. Her medical prowess seemed all the more important then. Despite the knick-knacks she already knew dominated the shelf, for a brief moment Eshna thought it wise to search the store for medical supplies. Nothing was to be found of course, but the consideration still pervaded her mind even as she and the rest of her so-called "brother's and sister's" exited the store abruptly. Lost as they seemed to be, even feet from the witch -their source of information- Eshna felt little worry about finding their way itself. The snow bothered her infinitely more. In her childhood she was quite accustomed to rain, having lived in the state of Washington, and experiencing several monsoon seasons prepared her for even the worst of storms, but the cold temperatures were simply all too much for her. Eshna clutched her arms tightly and shivered, breathing out a cloud of air and grimacing. The sight of light snow reminded her of the words [i]Frost Giant[/i] and, terrifying as the prospect might have been to most, Eshna could only imagine their size with wonder rather than fear. Up till now, everything "divine" appeared quite normal to the untrained eye. She thought it quite possible even these Frost Giants might appear to them as but tall and meaty humans. Formidable, surely, but not invulnerable. Only experience would tell. Sarcastically, Eshna replied to Soraya's concern, "Something tells me they're weak to fire. Just a guess but..." Puffing her cheeks in distaste for the atmosphere, Eshna motioned to get moving quickly. "We should probably hurry on then. I'd love to get in the car ASAP."