[center][b]Sarah's Request[/b][/center] She let out a hiss of irritation but made no comment as she watched the skeletal wights march across the bridge to wrestle the stunty Dwarves down, seemingly subduing them rather well. She stepped to the side as the ranger fellow, Kasim walked forwards to the Dwarves struggling against the undead minions of that, somewhat capable Naream, summoning those undead was a decent idea she had to admit, but obviously he had been foolish to try it, what if this flimsy wooden bridge couldn't have supported the weight of the undead and the party? She would probably have been unable to slit his throat before falling to their death as revenge for him killing them all. She rose a eyebrow at whatever the human ranger was doing, about to ask what in the nine hells he was up to when he started to speak. As she started to understand what he was saying she made sure her face was unreadable and neutral, merely raising a eyebrow as if surprised and skeptical, she could relate to what he was saying, she too had the same ability from the sound of it. She made sure to keep a mental note of that information and guard her thoughts and mind well around this Kasim. "Yes well, make sure to stay out of my mind, my thoughts are my own, thank you very much." She muttered as she watched him as he seemed to engage his attempt at telepathy to look whatever was pulling the strings of the Dwarf she stepped closer to Kasim, making sure her back was to Eins, so her front was hidden from the other human as she slipped a dagger into her hand and kept an eye on Kasim. She survived this long for being paranoid and cautious, so if there was any sign at all that this human, by digging into the mind of the Dwarf, was getting compromised, she would be certain to quickly eliminate a threat to the group. "Necromancer, if your pets lose control of the Dwarves during all of this, I will hold you responsible and exact swift retribution." She said over her shoulder, noticing a trend in the Drow necromancer, he seemed rather comfortable staying at the back of the group and almost always in such a position that he could either advance with the rest of them, or quickly run away. The ranger seemed to know what he was doing and competent overall, so far at least, she would see how his telepathic attempt into a Dwarf's mind would go. The other human, Eins, seemed distrustful of her and Naream, she didn't really care, she ignored her, apparently she was busy trying to open the door to whatever was next this way. There was one disturbing piece of information that kept nagging at her, these Dwarves... they demanded they leave, they didn't attack right away, that was, rather unnatural to her. If they were controlled by something in here that was supposed to guard this tomb or temple... then why give them a opportunity to 'leave'. She looked at Kasim with a frown, "Let's hope you can find some information in those thick Dwarven skulls." She muttered, tightening her grip around the handle of her dagger.