[center][b]Cease Fire - Lothar and Alhavaryis[/b][/center] The past minute had just been a blur to Lothar. Right as he left the room with Alhavaryis, Lothar literally saw a hunk of stone fly in front of him and crush a man. It simply left him stunned. The only thing that snapped him out of it was the screaming of Alhavaryis, who had been hit in the leg by a large piece of wood. Lothar dove to cover Alhvaharyis, who was on the ground. Next thing Lothar knew was that the floor gave up and both of them went down to the first floor... painfully. As the dust settled, Lothar looked around. It was devastation everywhere. What remained of the run down, but still respectable church was in pieces. There were mangled bodies everywhere, and it seems few made it through without serious injury. Lothar himself was a bit bruised up from the fall, but nothing was too serious. He muttered a quick thanks to the gods and stood up. Then, he turned to look at Alhavaryis, and offered a hand to help him up as he said "Come on. We still have a job to do." Alhvaharyis blinked, and took Lothar's hand, wincing. He didn't have time to reason nor to reflect. He could see their final opponent, striding forth through the dust. Sunlight snuck through the fissures in the church and glinted cruelly over the steel of the man's blade. It took but a quick probe with his mind for Alhvaharyis to realize they were dealing with a Templar: he recognized the familiar, yet still unnatural, damp, advancing ponderously. He couldn't feel it on his skin just yet, but it was close. Maybe it was the pain, but he moved with calm, assessing what to do even as he raised a hand to cast a spell. Clearly, targeting the Templar was not going to be an option... but the mercenaries beside him bore no such protection. Channelling his magic, Alhvaharyis attempted to flare up their sense of avarice, and jealousy. [i]Surely, it would be all too easy to kill off this man, this man who dares call himself your superior, who stands between you and your bounty... in the chaos, it could be passed off as an accident, nobody would know... you wouldn't be the weakest, the dogs, then, no, that would show them![/i] Alhvaharyis drew from the soul of the man he had slain previously. It was dark, and low, as souls went, beasts were nobler. Precisely because of this it served his purpose. A dark soul for a dark task. Lothar looked at Alhavaryis's hand as it streched out towards the mercenaries. He understood imeadiately what was happening. Alhavaryis was going to provide support with his magic since he couldn't move around well with his injured leg. This left Lothar with the job of moving in close to finish the deal. Thankfully, he would have some help in this fight. Lothar drew his sword and shield and began to advance towards the three remaining foes. As he walked, he yelled "Rally, men! Rally! Surround the perfidious fiends who claim to fight in the name of God. Their day of judgement has come, and it is our duty to make sure that they arrive on time!" It was Lothar's hope that the remaining Republic and Templar soldiers who were able would surround the Papal soldiers and bring justice for their fallen comrades.