Jagred raised his brow slightly at Soraya’s failed attempt at speech, but otherwise remained silent. Her optimism was almost admirable, even though he doubted it would do much to help her against Frost Giants. The crows certainly agreed, and some other members of their group as well. As for his part, even though Jagred had formed his own opinion about the young woman, he didn’t feel the compulsion to share it. At least, not as vocally as the birds. Still, it wasn’t like he was going out of his way to not offend her sensibilities, he just couldn’t care less. Ideals like that could only hurt her in the long run, when this band of misfits fell part, eventually. Of that, he had no doubt. Moments later, the crone began to hurl sharp objects at the crows, and as they took their leave, he figured it was his cue to get out as well, especially when the floor started moving beneath them. He managed to stay on his feet, but two others weren’t so fortunate. It was a comical sight to behold, and his lips twitched, but the smile was short-lived. What meager information the birds managed to give them before leaving was far from encouraging, to say the least. When they were finally outside, Jagred relaxed visibly, filling his lungs up with the crisp winter air in deep, draw out breaths. The previous events weren’t actually on his favor, so he needed to at least clear his head for what came after. Who knew, he might come up with an actual plan to deal with Frost Giants. Like escaping. Because seriously, Frost Giants? They were sent in with a minimum amount of information about their objective, and only two of them had functional weapons. It didn’t take a genius to see where this was going. But then, while others in the group might pull of escaping, he knew he couldn’t. Not with this necklace on. Even though he didn’t know what the witch really meant by ‘misbehaving’, he wasn’t going to take the chance. And then, another member of their group decided to try at speech, again. Jagred sighed, glancing briefly at Jacob, before letting his gaze wandered off. He thought this one would just be another disaster, like Soraya’s. And yet, somehow, it wasn’t. He didn’t show any indication of this, but he knew Jacob was right. He would have to just work with what he’d got so far, and at least, tried. After all, it wasn’t like him to walk away from a fight. He would hate to admit it, but deep down inside, a part of him was looking forward to this mission. Hopefully it wouldn’t be his last. As Jacob began asking for input about means of transportation, he crossed his arms and remained silent. Most of his luggage was still at the hotel, and he took a cab here, so there was no car to offer. Fortunately, Lucky chose that moment to reveal that he had one, and promptly gave the keys to Gavriil. He wouldn’t have protested either way, but when he realized that ‘man with killer necklace’ was refered to him, it made him chuckled for a bit. Killer necklace. Quite an apt name. Once both Soraya and Eshna had voiced their thoughts, Jagred figured it was his turn.-“Right, no guns. I can work with that.”-Not like he knew how to use one anyway. Never had to.-“Maybe we can stop at a tool shop? If Frost Giants are indeed weak to fire, just as their name suggested, we might want to have some Molotov on hand.” And of course, it was a chance for him to pick up something for himself as well.