The group had the basics of a plan set into motion, exchanged numbers, and split up to see what they could do before they arrive in Bodie. No less than an hour was spent messing with gathering materials to both fortify the vehicles, make molotovs, and other improvised weapons.

Lucky and his group were unable to find a reputable car dealership that would let them, on their funds, drive out in the car then and there. They did, however, find a less than reputable one. The car was still in mostly good shape, a crack in the window, but it was within their price range. Purchasing it, their plans for fortification and survival turned to that as well. They’d piece something together and then get on the road.

Soraya began her job of constructing weapons. It wasn’t necessarily something she was trained in, but she caught on fast enough, soon pumping out molotovs and such with a bit of natural speed. Medical supplies bought from a corner pharmacy were gathered as well, given the coming danger, and Gavriil, while others were shopping, had an idea.

While Bodie was now inhabited by Frost Giants of some number, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to see what he could find out about it as well. Using a cellphone, he went to the internet and researched Bodie, and found out that the town has been abandoned for quite some time. An old west ghost town, died shortly after the mines stopped being used. There was a ranger station and historical museum, but what he could find indicated that with the severe weather the area had been having this winter, the ranger station had minimal staffing, and the museum was empty.

There were almost no others present beyond the Frost Giants, Dwarves, and maybe 3 humans, if they weren’t already enslaved as well. On the positive side of things, the town didn’t see a lot of traffic, being far off the beaten road, and with so few there, there wouldn’t be much if any problem with them using any powers that may be useful to them, and other such force.

Wanting to see if mythology offered any answers on how to beat them, he was unable to come up with much other than hit them hard. He did find that the blood of the Frost Giants and others is sometimes fed to their slaves to make them supernaturally powerful, and deathly loyal to them as well. He shared all of this information with the group.

Once on the long road north, Highway 395, the group settled in for a trip, talking amongst themselves, sharing some details of their own lives as they got better acquainted. Perhaps they listened to music, and when they stopped for bathroom or food would stretch their legs a bit. It was indeed a long drive, and every hour seemed darker and colder than the last, although it was hard to wager for sure if that was because of the Frost Giants north, or the weather in general.

Dann, having purchased supplies he thought would make for a good improvised flamethrower, however, led the group in the car with him to some problems. Within he was building the device while the vehicle was in motion, making sure to comment on it probably being safe, and it being fine, and people should stop worrying as he hammered a bic lighter into a propane tank with a rather large nail. He noticed there was this horrible hissing noise, but thought that it was just a sign that it was working, and so maybe, after they got to another rest stop, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to test it out.

It was a bad idea to test it out.

When the two cars arrived at a gas station, the cheaply purchased car had been filled with quite a mixture of flammable gasses and liquids, making there be some sort of talk about waiting and letting it air out. Dann, however, wanted to test his new flamethrower! And so he did. Due to the great mental awareness of some of the others of the group, and some physical quickness as well, no [i]person[/i] was injured in the ensuing fireball and explosion that destroyed the used car. And part of the gas station. Boom.

It was later agreed upon, after Lucky this time stole a car for them to continue going to their destination in, that Dann was to [i]never ever ever[/i] play with fire again. 

It was evening when the group finally hit the dirt roads on the way to Bodie. There was still quite some more driving to do, and the heavy snows presented some challenge to the cars as they tried to drag through it and the poor excuse for roads that the snow now laid upon. Eventually, the vehicles were able to make it to the outskirts of Bodie, where they saw a small security and ranger station, and a lone, but long, sawhorse blocks the road in. Inside of the station are some maps, and a cash box, where the ranger would be paid for parking or perhaps a map as well. There was also some blood splatter.

Bodie, on the other side, looks old and dead. There is no one to see for miles in any direction, and the only things visible are old run down buildings, covered in thick snow, the falling of which has seemed to die down. Groans flow through the wood of the structures as the still whipping and cold wind ebbs around and pierces the shacks.

There’s a dirt parking lot, and some old tiremarks in the snow leading to an empty parking spot. It seems the last car to drive here, left within a day or so. There also appears on its side, a single beaten up Yamaha motorcycle, although it seems as if it’s been there for some time now.

When the group had driven up, they had alerted the demigod already there. He didn’t know more people were coming, let alone people to help. Instead, he would think that they were a threat, a danger to himself, and so he hid until he could see more about them before attacking.

Angus had been there for almost a full day now, most of it alone. He hadn’t yet seen any Frost Giants, or Dwarves. All that he had seen was the only other demigod who had come with him be startled by the ranger, and kill him. There had been so much blood, and his kin couldn’t take it. He was freaking out, and drove off with the body to hide it.

That was what he told Angus, but he didn’t make it too far. In the bad weather and his frantic driving, someway along the way he slipped off the road without knowing it, and crashed, dead. A sight that the group missed on their way in, and may never even know either. A pitiful end to their story. Angus, however, still thinks that his brethren is out there and will be returning for him shortly, although he’s losing hope.

His first thought when he heard a car approaching was that it was his comrade, but two cars made him think otherwise. Maybe more rangers. Maybe the Frost Giants he had heard about. Would they even drive cars? He didn’t know. There weren't other cars here.

Everyone could look out and see what looked like a bit of blood in the snow leading towards where the tiretracks begin, though, starting from the ranger's station. Good omens abound.

Regardless, everyone had arrived, and they did share a mission even if they did not yet all know it yet.

In the distance, was their final target, the mines that they were told the Frost Giants would be. The only building that showed life, locked away behind a metal fence topped with barbed wire, as plumes of smoke come from the smoke stacks that top the structure atop the mines.