[b]Name:[/b] Kholodny Zima, the Scion of Stribog [b]Age:[/b]27 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Race:[/b] Russian [b]Random descriptors:[/b] Average+ height, lanky, pale as a bitch [b]Character Tier:[/b] Upper Intermediate [b]Character Type:[/b] Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant [b]Physical Description:[/b] Kholodny is not your typical ideal Russian man. Instead of being a great bear of a man, he's really more of a mediocre giraffe. He's not super tall, being only about 6'2, but he's a skinny sonuvabitch. Look up lanky in the dictionary, there he is. He is also INCREDIBLY pale, with a blue tint, though for reasons not quite his own. We'll get to that in a second. He's got what looks like almost bleached blonde hair that is forever slicked back and spiky off to the sides, almost like ice cicles. Again, not his fault. He normally (Always) wears incredibly heavy coats, sweaters, and long sleave shirts, in that order. He wears two pairs of sweat pants when he can get away with it, but normally goes for just thick jeans. He's got extremely piercing blue eyes and perfectly white teeth. He shivers too. A lot. Actually, make that constantly. This dude shivers all the time, like he's got a frozen core instead of a heart or something. He doesn't, but its an apt description. [b]Personality Description:[/b] Zima isn't a super fun person to be around. One, because the air always seems just a little bit colder around him, and two, his personality leaves a lot to be desired. Yeah, he's a nice guy, but he's honestly super depressing. He's kinda mopey sometimes, and his self confidence levels are low, and he whines all the time (With good reason). Also, he's a coward. He has no confidence in his ability to win fights and will run whenever humanly possible. What a disgrace to the motherland. [b]Character History:[/b] Kholodny Zima lives a life full of irony. Delicious delicious irony. Born in Russia, his family was a member of a anti communist faction. Unfortunately, this led to them being exiled to Siberia while he was still just a babe. Well, Siberia in the middle of winter isn't good for anybody. His parents died. Oh no, not from the cold. His mother was eaten by wolves, and then his father died from a bear attack. But not before taking out the bear, skinning it, and making a blanket for little Kholodny to help protect him from the cold. Daddy Zima was a badass. But surprise! A baby out in the middle of the Siberian Tundra isn't going to last long, bear skin coat or not. Kholodny died too. Well, almost died. Mostly died, which is different than all dead. Right before he drew his final breath a great rush of wind surrounded him and lifted him off of the ground. "Обычно я не ввязываться в дела, такие, как этот, но я не могу позволить ребенок, как этот, чтобы умереть в моей земле. Не бойся, малое один, ибо Я Бог Стрибог, будет заботиться о вас и позволит вам жить." Now, being a baby, Kholodny have no fucking idea what this spirit was saying, but the god Stribog, father of the four winds, had decided to take care of him and allow him to live. Entering Kholodny's body, Stribog filled the baby's being with his essence and power, causing the child to undergo immediate changes (You can probably figure out which ones) and saved his life. Eventually, little Zima was rescued and brought back to civilization, where he eveeentually moved to Florida to try and live someplace warmer. He fucking hates the cold and everything to do with it. Irony, huh? Stribog and Kholodny are still on great terms, with the god of the winds trying his best to stop his Scion from being a coward when it comes to fighting. [b]Character Equipment:[/b] [intermediate] Kholodny doesn't have much in terms of equipment. He has a tremendously heavy coat that he always wears to try and stay as warm as he can. This coat isn't made of any particular special material, but after having been worn by the Scion of Stribog for so long, it has picked up its own characteristics. If anyone else were to wear his coat, they would almost immediately (2 or 3 posts) freeze solid. It also provides pretty substantial defense, Stribog has woven magical ice into the threads, making it far tougher than you'd expect, you know, cause it looks like a fucking coat. Coming into contact with the jacket will begin to freeze whatever is directly touching it solid. It's not super fast, but it is almost impossible to avoid. If something maintains contact, it will be frozen. Good rule of thumb. (Again, 2-3 turns.) [b]Skills, powers and abilities:[/b] Whats cooler than cool? [hider=ICE COLD] ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT [/hider] [hider=ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT] [Intermediate]As the Scion of Stribog, Kholodny is just about the essence of cold itself. He has the ability to create insanely cold temperatures, reaching down to 420 degrees below zero. While it may not be absolute zero, these temperatures are still brutal and incredibly dangerous. When they first manifested at the age of ten, the temperature of the air around him up to 15 feet away would go down to about -60 degrees, and he only got more powerful from there. At the temperatures that he get reach, everything that gets that cold will die. Trees explode, the ground breaks, and even the air itself begins to freeze and solidify. Fortunately for other people, he can only maintain a full power radius of about 10 feet, and he can't do it for very long. Mind you, thats causing everything within a 10 foot radius to go to 420 degrees below zero, so if he were to direct his power in a more linear fashion, his effective range would increase exponentially. He can also create and shape ice out of the moisture in the air. Any shape and size he pleases. Mind you, this ice is also 420 degrees below zero, so it is incredibly tough, much tougher than steel. It is about three times as dense and heavy as normal ice.The most dangerous part of it is if you happened to get stabbed. The ice is so cold, that it would immediately begin to freeze all the material in the opponents body, starting from the point of penetration. The enemy would have to get away pretty much immediately, or risk unhealable frostbite and worse. He's a pretty good ranged fighter too, being able to form ice spears and fire them off like a harpoon gun out of his hands. There's a chain that connects the harpoon to his arm, all made out of ice, making an incredibly deadly weapon. The chain is made up of interconnecting locks that, because of Khold's perfect control over his ice, allow him to pop the links out wherever and whenever he feels like. Also, when in actual no holds fight (Which is rarely), he brings the temperature of the air 6 inches around him down to negative 100 automatically. The air stays unfrozen, but the low temperatures make anything not cold resistant in for an unpleasant feeling when fighting him hand to hand, at the least. If he were to grapple with you, that's it, he will pump temperatures so low into your very blood that your internal organs will begin to fail within moments. This freezing process is damn quick too, he's almost absolute zero when he needs to be. Expanding upon previously stated ice abilities: [*]Instant Ice Generation: Within a zone around his body, Khold can create ice instantaneously from any material that can be frozen at temperatures near absolute zero. This generation of ice is so quick that normal humans couldn't even react to it before it ensnared their body. It moves as quickly as the winds that he can create. Roughly 400 mph.[/*] [*]Instant Ice Degeneration: The exact opposite of what was said beforehand. At the same speed.[/*] [*]Sustained Ice: Khold's will extends to all ice in his field of detection, which is 360 degrees in all directions. If he so chooses, ice that he has produced or ice that was already there can be turned into permanent ice. Which is defined as: Never Melting Ice.[/*] [/hider] [hider=Aerodynamics] [High] As the God of Winds, Stribog gives his Scion air superiority. If a normal human was the Wright Brother's First Plane, Kholodny would be a F-18 Raptor. It's an apt comparision. His ability to manipulate the wind is second to none, at least so far as he's seen. If he can think of something to do with the wind and air, Stribog's power will allow him to do it. This includes, air compression, using the wind as blades, and even flight, because the strength of the wind that Kholodny creates is more than powerful enough to lift and carry him through the air. Kholodny can create localized winds up to 400 miles per hour. He can fly at speeds of up to 100 mph, and change direction almost instantly. Combining the wind with his ice ability allows him to pull off some truly devastating attacks, and increases his ground movement capabilities to insane levels, allowing him to move with the wind he creates for some serious speed without experiencing friction, increasing his turning and direction changing prowess to the best levels, allowing instant momentum shifting and manuvers. Expanding upon previously stated wind abilities: [list] [*]Air Blast: In the zone around his body where he can manipulate ice on a molecular level, the wind is also bent to his will. Within this zone and anywhere he wills it, Khold can prepare blasts of high power air that are significantly stronger than his own punches. Same with every other ability, he can increase the force behind these with charges. [*]Air Blades: Like a meat cleaver crafted from the wind, Khold can manipulate the air itsself into a weapon of death and destruction. These air weapons are formed as flat disks that increase in size and wind force depending on charge. Obviously, the more they charge the more power they have to cut through matter. An uncharged attack can cut cleanly through a normal man and the winds themselves whip faster than a hurricane. He is basically throwing hurricane disks at you. The wind moves so fast that it becomes a tangible and visible weapon. Now, how doest the cutting power work? Inside of this micro-hurricane are shards of ice being spun around like a blender. They move so quickly that they'll take Khold's finger off if he isn't careful. These blades can take any shape or form that Kholodny chooses, be it a rotating saw, or a sword shape, or a fan, you name it. The shards of micro ice in the wind are so small as to cut at the molecular level, which is what gives them their horrific sharpness.[/*] [*]Air Compression: Within himself, a container, or a general area he can vacuum air into a certain area and compress it flatly against the base until it fills the container. This means that pressures can exceed multiple Earth gravities and the stored wind can be expelled significantly faster than his normal abilities allow, albeit much more concentrated and with less spread. As with all of his other abilities it can be charged, and this ability grows more dangerous the more charges it has. Becoming a literal vacuum tornado in later charges.[/*] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Blessing of Stribog] [Low] Beyond that, he's pretty normal. He has almost peak human strength and stamina, provided by Stribog, being able to lift about 1000 pounds pretty handily. Able to fight for hours on end, even without ice power, he'll beat a normal human into the ground no contest. This lends itself nicely to his speed, allowing him to reach upwards of 80 to 85 mph under his own power, and he is able to hold this running speed for as long as he needs to, really. He's very practiced at running. He can clear 2 football fields with no wind helping him. [/hider] [hider=Cold Body][Intermediate] Kholodny Zima is a corpse. He is literally a corpse. As a baby, his body died. Stribog didn't catch him until right before his mind went completely. Thus, Khold is a dead body puppeteered by Stibog's godly powers, basically. This lends him a few key factors in fights. One: He feels no pain. Period. His pain nerves are dead. Stribog managed to get his tactile nerves working again, otherwise Kholodny would be the clumsiest son of a gun to ever live. Stribog really didn't see the need to get his pain sensors back up and running. So he can still feel most things other than pain. Things that would hurt someone normally just feel kind of itchy to him. The more it would hurt, the more of an itch it gives him. He also does not need to eat, drink, or use the bathroom, though he does eat and drink when he feels like it, it turns into ice, and then his body assimilates the ice. It has no bearing on combat. Point number two: He doesn't bleed. Full stop. His blood is literally ice. He has red ice in his veins. This is useful in more than a couple of different ways. The most obvious one being that he cannot die or pass out from blood loss. Period. He doesn't bleed. This reduces the damage taken from stabbing and cutting, significantly. This also means that if a limb is cut off, he can simply reattach it. His ice powers will sew the skin back together and it'll be good as new. Its a gross process, but it's effective. Third main point; poison isn't particularly great on him, as most of his organs are already dead. The only type of poison that would be good against him is one that effects the nervous system and motor controls, because his muscles still work. One of the downsides of being essentially a god powered puppet, he doesn't have a great sense of smell. Everything just smells kind of cold and icy, if that makes any sense. Everything has that sharp feeling to it, like when you walk out and it kind of hurts to breathe because its so cold. Imagine that 24/7 and you get this poor bastard.[/hider] [hider=Wild Russian Senses] [Intermediate] Kholodny grew up in the wilderness of the Russian tundra. Stribog only helped him when he absolutely had to. Meaning, once Khold was old enough to walk, he had to fend for himself. On his 6th birthday, as a little surprise, he fought a bear! A literal grizzly bear. He didn't win. He ran. A lot. The bear chased him. A lot. Khold's main method of defense as a 6 year old was running. He was still really fast, so when he was awake, the bear couldn't catch him. Sleeping was another issue entirely. Surrounding himself with walls of ice was little Khold's best defense. As a child, Khold wasn't good at ice. It was weak, and the bear was able to smash it. When asleep, this is very obviously kind of a problem. To make up for this, Khold's instincts and reactions times have increased far beyond the normal limits of the human mind. When Khold's ice is shattered or broken in anyway, his body immediately begins to react to the coming threat, by getting the hell out of the way, or fixing the ice as it is broken. Normally both, because Khold can multitask like that. Kholodny can think very quickly, particularly when it comes to creating ice. He can begin repairing his structures as soon as they are damaged, without so much as even a thought. His normal reactions are also increased. His eyes are quick and strong, having the equivalent of 20/5 vision and the reaction time to be able to catch arrows in flight. [/hider] [hider=Other Survival Skills] [Low/Non Combative] Khold is a master of survival. He can make tanned leather, jackets, fur coats, you name it, out of basically anything with fur. He can cook fish, find berries to eat, basically anything you need to live out in the Tundra. Maybe not so much the Navajo Desert, but if you ever take a trip to the Siberian Wastes, Kholodny Zima is the man to bring along. [/hider]