The creature did not really respond to Ysolda's questions, but it DID to something unexpected. The thing created two steadily growing stone pillars after merely touching the earth. That settled it, it was definitely some sort of earth spirit or elemental. And just as she went to hop off of it and see if she could figure out a way to communicate with the locals, she spied an odd sight on a nearby roof. An indistinct something-or-other skulking about like some sort of Abyssal murderer. From her vantage atop the Elemental's shoulder, Ysolda saw that same figure slip back into darkness and out of her direct line of sight

While she had not been in this land long, she knew that this figure was different from the dog-like creatures that had attacked her on her way to this town. But just as the Solar was about to hop down and head over to investigate, another roughly human-sized figure approached the same area. Barely visible from the vantage point that Ysolda had, she could not tell if it was a man or a woman. What she WAS able to see was that this one was also different from the locals, much like the other that she had seen moments before. Time to get their attention, she figured.

Reaching behind her back, Ysolda unclipped her small golden-colored bow and arrow. Drawing back the string without knocking an arrow, some would call the woman crazy... but just as she finished pulling back the thin metallic wire, a glowing projectile was conjured as if from nothing. This was known to her as the "Phantom Arrow Technique", and it created an arrow out of her essence. Letting loose the bowstring, the arrow of light flew straight and true to its target... an area not far from the two (or more, as she couldn't see all that well into the darkness that the woman had crept) beings. This was clearly not so much an attack as it was an attempt to shed light on the situation in both a literal and figurative sense, and the two beings would soon reveal themselves to her, like it or not.

Not even two seconds after the arrow hit, Ysolda tried to communicate. [B]"Oi. Any chance you can understand me? Probably not, but worth a shot."[/B] This would likely be the same situation as with the locals and the giant elemental... more people that couldn't understand her language. Luckily she had made sure to aim her arrow far behind where the two known figures were, and the light showed that there were no others. Hopefully the large gap between the people and the light arrow would show that she meant no hostilities with her action.But just in case, she kept the bow at the ready... however, it was not drawn back in attack position. [B]"If you understand what I'm saying, then come on over. And don't worry, I won't attack unless given a reason."[/B]

This was a gamble, but a necessary one. She could feel something... wrong. Having lived several centuries, Ysolda had more years of combat and survival experience than most humanoid beings had years of life. She wasn't sure WHAT was going to happen, but her gut told her it wasn't good... and whatever it was would happen sooner rather than later. If she was right, she'd need allies... or at least people she could somewhat rely on. [B]"You still not ready to talk, big guy?"[/B] she said quietly to the silent elemental. [B]"I might need a bit of a hand if things get hairy and you might, too. What do you say?"[/B] Still keeping her eyes on the area where the arrow had landed, she sincerely hoped that this wouldn't erupt into something unpleasant. However, with the short time she had spent on this world... she knew that at least a fair portion of its creatures were inherently hostile..