A small smirk lit my face. I couldn't see me actually caring what people think, but I may need to apologize to Captain Shine over there. I sighed and said "listen, I'm not lookin' for a group of friends. I'm just lookin' for safety if needed. I don't want Captain Shine over there to pop a vessel and I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable with my presence. I can hide in the bathroom if I can't get rid of the little vultures." I couldn't help the guilt that washed over me as I saw the nervousness on Ray's face. I looked back at the goth kid and said "I am no vixen. I'm just a girl who doesn't mind standing up for herself and having fun while doing it." I grinned sardonically as I let the words sink in. I looked over at Alena and smiled. "Thanks for everything, Alena; but I should go. I've caused enough trouble for one lunch. Besides, I've scared Ray, made Sir Darkness think I can't handle being in the lion's den, I've made the bookworm blush, and I've discovered you're little hideout. My work here is done." I started my way back to the door, a bit of disappointment seeps into my heart and I felt like I did at my father's house: loneliness. It's not an uncommon feeling for me. I'm an unwanted personality anywhere I went. My brashness and outgoing actions created a bearer between me and the world. I don't mind. I'm not depressed about it and angry that no one likes me. It makes me want to be more brash and snarky. It makes me a unique entity, even if I am the only person with such views. As I walked toward the exit of this hidden world, I thought about me and the cliques represented in the Cliqueless. I couldn't fit in the nerds. I'm not that smart, though I get straight As. I'm not a dork. I may like to be a dork every once in a while, but I don't see my sarcasm as a commedic outlet to the dorks. I don't see me fitting in with the goths. Sure, I may wear leather and I may be brash; but I'm not interested in what the goths like. I'm definitely not a Jock, even if I'm strong. I'm completely uncoordinated and small. The Populars... well, I just don't see it working out. I like to be myself, not what someone designs for me. My briliant exit ended when I tripped on absolutely nothing and landed on my hands instead of my face. As I said, I'm extremely uncoordinated. My face was a bright blush as I stood back up. I cleared my throat as my blush had yet to fade and I mumbled, "well then... That was... um... graceful." My blush had yet to fade.