So long story short. I re-watched the old DCAU shows (mainly justice league and JLU) so now I want to do an RP based on original heroes forming a group and doing shit. So I know the idea itself isn't exactly fleshed out, but this is gonna be a very character driven RP. I'm hoping that based from the characters people make, then maybe even the first few arcs will be more personal stories. Basically, the group will start of freshly made, but the heroes themselves will be somewhat established. However, each of the characters will be given their own "personal story" arc of some kind. These personal arcs will be used to establish each character, taking a focus on them and having the main cast be b characters of sorts. These arcs can also be used to establish the relationships for each character and such. After that, we can start throwing in "fate of the world, universe, etc." type stories, but I want to flesh out our characters before tackling big things like these types of stories. So now that I've explained what I want to do with the RP, it's time to set some ground rules. I shouldn't ahve to explain basic rp rules (meta-gaming, god mod, etc.) so instead I'll establish rules for other stuff. 1. This isn't first come first serve. This is advanced, this means, in my opinion, that the roster of characters should be determined based on the quality of the characters submitted. So, once enough interest is sparked, I'll make an OOC where you guys can submit characters based on the CS format I provide. 2. Posting. For posting, we'll be going in "rounds." The way this works is whoever is controlling the arc (for personal arcs, the RP'er of the character who's having the personal arc will control the story) will make a post. Everyone else will then post a response to said post. Unless someone is delayed and can't post, or their response is not needed (say your character is unconscious or unavailable) then the round is concluded. The controller will post creating the next round, rinse and repeat. 3. Amounts of post. I would prefer people to be posting at least once everyday, but I know that isn't realistically possible so once every 2-3 days is what I'm asking. 4 days max. 4. Don't say you're interested and then after a few OOC posts never show up again. Think about this for a little. If you're really interested, then post here. If you are only slightly interested and then decide you aren't easily, or you aren't able to meet the requirements I've set, don't bother posting that you're interested here. 5. Don't be an ass. If you have problems with someone, either handle it through me or directly with one another, but don't bring your bullshit into the RP, unless your characters actually but heads and you're just properly RP'ing the scenario out. 6. Originality. I know that most super powers have been done, so I don't mind if we get characters similar to super heroes, but please don't just be like "This is ratman. He's a super detective that dresses up like a rat. His parents were killed and he swo-" "Isn't that just batman, I mean it's literally a rodent based detective that just doesn't have wings." "SHUT UP HE'S ORIGINAL, JUST LIKE MY ORIGINAL SONIC CHARACTER BLONIC". If you do something like, just assumed you're not accepted lol. Anyways, so if you're interested still post here and maybe include some ideas you have for a character.