Name: S'kara, Madman of the Void Age: Unknown Gender: Male Race: Humanoid Random descriptors: Rampantly mad, incredibly intelligent, does not age due to the temporal distortions created by his method of trans-universal travel, known to toy with his 'subjects'. Theme Song: [url=]Breaking Benjamin - I Will Not Bow[/url] Character Tier: Intermediate Character Type: Active Multiverse Participant Physical Description: Click [url=]HERE[/url] Personality Description: S'kara is joyfully mad. He delights in telling others of the joys of his dead universe, and even asks if they would like to help him spread that joy to the current universe he inhabits. Most dismiss him as a doomsayer, nutcase, crazy, etc. While used to this, he does not hesitate to occasionally inform people about the error of their ways... by robbing them of the universe they love so much (taking their lives). He is not without compassion, in his mind. For the comforting embrace of silence and death is so final and without equal that he feels everyone should experience it at least once. His technology might seem either hyper-advanced or crude depending on the society he encounters. But neither of the scenarios is seen as an obstacle. Instead he sees backward or less technological societies as easy pickings, and more advanced ones as opportunities for more skilled devotees. And if he cannot convert people to the Faith of the Void, he can simply use his ship to bombard them from the sky or even level a city from orbit. Skills, powers and abilities: Arm Cannons: Intermediate - Laser Cannons grafted into S'kara's arms are powered by the cold fusion engine implanted into his body. They have an approximate range of a hundred and fifty meters before the energy in the beams starts becoming too spread out to maintain cohesion. They are as hot and precise as any laser weapon is expected to be, and thus can only be fired every few seconds each. Overheating the systems is possible if fired rapidly, and doing so would cause serious damage to S'kara's arms. Oculus Attractor: Intermediate - The gravitic field generator in S'kara's right eye is capable of creating a potent field of gravity around his body, or a directed gravitic pulse toward a specific object or person. The limit for the general field is a combined weight of 200kg at a range of twenty meters, where the directed pulse has a draw limit of twice that amount, and a range of one hundred meters. This technique temporarily drains power from the cybernetic eye that was used to replace his original, robbing it of sight for around a half a minute after the gravity field is de-activated. The field lasts for approximately ten seconds. Matter Repeller: Intermediate - The Cold Fusion Engine within S'kara's chest also powers a potent anti-gravity generator. This can be used to create a brief but incredibly powerful burst of power that repels any and all matter within a spherical radius of up to fifty meters. Every five meters of this burst increases the strain on the repeller, and it must power-down for a time comparable to the strain. Every five-meters of range causes the repeller to power down for thirty seconds. incredibly short-range bursts on a personal-level (approximately 1m) count for little strain, and only create a brief power-down of approximately five to ten seconds. Character Equipment: Arm Cannons, Oculus Attractor, Cold Fusion Engine/Matter Repeller (in chest). Ship: [url=]Enlightening Destructor[/url] Ship Armaments: Dual 300mm Auto-Cannon turrets x 25 ( x 6 belly-mounted, each w/ 500rd chains ), Dual Laser Turrets x 6 ( x 3 belly-mounted ), Thermonuclear Missile Tubes x 10 ( x 2 belly-mounted ) ( 4 missiles each, 1.5mt yield ) [hider=Further details] Enlightening Destructor 282m Long 96m Wide 66m High Ship armor 4m thick Multi-layer Vanadium Carbide ( .75m each layer ) with Electro-sensitive Shear-Thickening Fluid layers between the plates ( .33333333m per layer ). Armor Layout: Metal/Liquid/Metal/Liquid/Metal/Liquid/Metal This armor is incredibly hard, malleable, heat-resistant, and lightweight. This allows it to withstand relatively heavy bombardment compared to other materials. In addition, the fluid between the armor layers adds a secondary buffer to resist impact and diffract the forces from directed-energy weapons. Weaponry Dual 300mm Autocannon Turrets x25 These weapons may seem archaic to some spacefaring cultures. However, the sheer amount of projectiles the guns can fire on a target remind these individuals why the autocannon was so successful. Heavy metal slugs composed of tungsten and iron, surrounding pockets of powdered magnesium (for that happy little armor-burning property that magnesium has) are loaded via a powerful machine, and accelerated out of the barrel by a series of large electromagnets. The shells themselves are not dangerous, and only detonate on a forceful frontal impact. If an attack hits a turret, an ammunition explosion is incredibly unlikely. The guns fire around 120 shells per minute, leading them to exhaust the 500 round chains in just over four minutes. However, if any target can withstand 25,000 impacts from 300mm shells, then the operator of the Enlightening Destructor has bigger things to worry about than running out of ammo. Dual Laser Turrets x 6 Based on technology similar to the Linac Coherant Light Source lasers of early 21st Century Earth, these weapons emit a burst of hyper-focused X-Rays that are so intense as to excite the particles around them and create visible light when fired. The effect of these weapons is truly awe-inspiring, as the burst of X-Rays can penetrate deeply into solid objects such as metals before flash-converting them into immensely hot solid plasma. This solid plasma is the same state of material found within the cores of stars, and is estimated to reach up to 4,000,000 degrees fahrenheit. Luckily, the plasma is very unstable and rushes outward in an explosive fashion just as quickly as it was created... otherwise this weapon would easily be the bane of any ship in existance. As it stands, however... these lasers are still very dangerous, capable of tearing large holes deep into the armor of other vessels. Single attacks with this weapon may breach a ship's hull, but bulkheads and airlocks generally minimize the risk. However... any ship on the receiving end of these weapons must take care to avoid repeated bursts, lest the armor fail completely and expose those within to the vacuum of space. Thermonuclear Missiles Missiles have been in war for many years. Nuclear Missiles are no different. In space, no one need worry about fallout. That said, these missiles are similar to those produced for earth-wars in the latter half of the 20th century. Each uses a solid lithium-deuteride fuel core to initiate nuclear fusion upon detonation. Measuring approximately 1.5 meters in diameter and 10 5 meters long, the missiles are hard to pick off with guns or lasers if those methods are not assisted by a very powerful targeting computer. With a yield of 1.5 megatons per missile, the Enlightening Destructor has a total nuclear capability of 60 megatons. More than enough to glass a small nation, reduce a larger one to ruin, or permanently scar the face of an entire planet. In ship-to-ship combat, the power of these weapons is not to be underestimated. A fusion detonation, though brief, packs an incredible amount of force and heat. These are also rather dangerous to have aboard any vessel, and are stored in a compartment that is more heavily armored even than the hull of the ship itself. [/hider] Character History: S'kara comes from a doomed universe. He was the last being alive when the last star burned out and his universe fell into eternal slumber. The synthetic foods and advanced filtration systems for recycling fluids and food waste aboard his ship ensured he would live comfortably... but what was life without others to share it with? The solitude drove him to madness. He began researching any and all information archives that pertained to either fusing heavy elements and re-birthing a star, or wormhole theories. This led him to even deeper madness, as he experimented with technologies he little understood. Horrible things such as blood rites once thought only as barbaric, all in an attempt to figure a way to breathe life back into his lost universe. He was scarred, insane, and had even become the subject of his own absurd tinkering. Going so far as to graft weaponry and power sources into his own body. However, his research eventually paid off. He discovered that if he could manage to swing his ship near the event-horizon of a black hole, and slingshot it into the next nearest one at or above light-speed... that the resonant ionization of the ship's hull from the accretion disk of the first black hole would destabilize the second and created a sort of temporal distortion, allowing him to travel into an entirely new universe... in theory. Having nothing to lose, S'kara went for it. Traversing into the galactic core where his sensors detected a cluster of black holes... he chose to go all or nothing and slingshot around the supermassive black hole that was still faintly glowing as it consumed the gas and debris from thousands of dead stars. The forces of the maneuver nearly sheared the ship in two as S'kara skirted the edge of the event horizon... but he managed to successfully avoid oblivion in the hole's crushing gravity. Screaming across space at the speed of light, S'kara was barely able to maneuver the ship into the throat of the second black hole, not even a half of a light-year away. And even then, that gave him a couple months to continue experimenting as he reached his final destination. In that time, he managed to unlock further secrets of black holes. ... specifically how to harness the incredible gravity they created. He moved to the lab in the ship's heart and attempted his test... to weaponize the force of gravity. Tweaking the power source he had implanted within his chest, S'kara cranked it up, condensed the energy, and unleashed it. The pain was phenomenal, as he had effectively increased his own magnetic and gravitic field without increasing his personal mass. His muscles ached, his bones creaked under the stress, and objects flew from across the room and struck him forcefully. It had worked... it had actually worked! Now to refine it! Ove the next month and a half, he tinkered with the settings of the grafted weaponry in his arms, eye, and chest... each was capable of interacting with the forces of gravity and the electromagnetic properties of matter. He would become a living weapon, and spread the wonderful madness of a dead universe to the cultures of others. His arms were capable of firing off bursts of pure electromagnetic energy in the form of visible light... a laser, if you would. They are also capable of infusing any held object with enhanced weight by altering the properties of the matter the item is composed of. The generator in his eye is capable of creating a short-range burst of gravity that can be used to draw in objects and organic beings. The power source in his chest is capable of the exact opposite... altering the gravitic field around S'kara to create an intense shockwave of anti-gravity, repelling objects and organic beings alike. His ship is armed with significant firepower, scavenged from dead worlds before S'kara embarked on his journey to a new universe. Already capable of fair amounts of combat before the fitting, the robotic drones installed additional missile tubes, long-range lasers, and even a few extra auto-cannon turrets.The weapon maintainence is handled by the same robotic drones that installed them. These drones also handle things such as loading new shell chains into the auto-cannons if the 500-shell chains run out amid a battle. However, S'kara knows if it comes to that, he is likely going to lose anyway, so he does not keep much in the way of extra ammunition laying around his ship. Instead he has found that scavenging the wrecks of folks from this new universe is much more efficient. Little does he know that he will soon find individuals that do not take kindly to his apparent piracy, nor his preaching. Will he come to serve them? Will they convert to his faith? Will he be killed? Only time will tell.