Maxwell the Golden Flame [b]Name:[/b] Maxwell the Golden Flame, Grand Paladin of the Church of War [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Gender:[/b] Male, 100% Mancake [b]Race:[/b] Human (But not normal, by any stretch.) [b]Random descriptors:[/b] Viciously devout, incredibly imposing, massive form. [b]Character Tier:[/b] High [b]Character Type:[/b] Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant [b]Physical Description:[/b] Towering at an amazing ten feet and two inches tall, his shoulders are four feet wide. From head to toe he's clad in thick steel plating, lined with trim of glistening gold. The armor is inhumanely bright, grossly incandescent is the only appropriate description. His head is adorned with a helm that resembles a Greek Stage Mask, this mask is of a bearded figure with intense fury burning in its burning gaze. The armor itself is heavy, ludicrously so, heavily adorned with spikes and plates to provide extra protection. Beneath this armor is no less terrifying, Maxwell is a fierce individual with features cut from marble. The Church's blessing of their patron god gave him a form that no man could dream to compare with. His muscles are like stone plates, so dense and thick that you could crack coconuts on them. A chin so chisseled it puts the thinker to shame. The man's what the Greeks dreamed about at night, prayed to during the day, and hoped for during battle. On his person he hauls three tools of his trade. In his left hand he carries Defaeco Ignis, a massive bastardization of the claymore blade. It is as long as he is tall and nine inches wide, the weapon is sheathed in his right hand tool, a ten foot tall grand tower shield. The shield is named Sol Vituperium. On his back he lugs a massive greatbow, a weapon usually mounted on a wall and fired by two men, he weilds it as though it were a toy. It's called O Arcus. He is also infused with the golden Cleansing Flame of his god, though he cannot project it to it's full capacity without his gloves. [b]Personality Description:[/b] Absolutely and unrelentingly set in his ways, if he decides to do something. Or do somethng to someone. There is literally nothing that you can do to stop him. This paladin is so incredibly devout that he wouldn't question an order even if you presented evidence against it. He's very rough, incredibly determined, but he's not evil. In fact he does not like evil, he goes out of his way to stop evil. Evil is a loose term, however, he deems assholes as evil. [b]Skills, powers and abilities:[/b] [hider= Paladin Bequeathed Powers] [b][high] Enhanced Muscle Mass and Ability:[/b] The paladin's blessing makes him a truly terrifying force to be reckoned with. A single paladin can cleave through human armies as though they were children. Capable of hoisting over his shoulder 100 hundred tons of weight with ease. The sword he weilds, despite its great heft, weighs little in his own hands. The enormous blade is swung around as though it were a length of twine. It reaches speeds up to five hundred miles per hour. His punches are able to go even faster, forming a sonic cone from a jab, and when in full combat swing, he's able to break the sound barrier with his fists and effort alone. The legs that carry him are as swift as a hurricane, capable of carrying him and his immensely heavy garment at around three hundred miles per hour in full sprint. With his decades of fighting on top of the blessing, Maxwell has stamina for days. The Golden Flame inside of him also provides a special sort of benefit. Maxwell is like a supercharged engine. Maxwell is able to work at 100 percent capacity until he hits zero. That is to say, he goes and goes until his runs out, and then he collapses. There is no more he can do once that happens. Its generally not a problem, because even a fight that goes on for a solid hour won't put a dent in his reserves, but if some supernatural force were to influence him, that's how it would work. [b][High] Godly Reflexes [/b]: Maxwell's reflexes are strong enough to be in a league of their own. Before the transformation into the Paladin, his reflexes were the stuff of legend. Training everyday from childhood honed his natural instincts and movement speed far beyond that of normal humans. After the blessing, they are beyond a normal humans wildest dreams. Ten Times greater than that of even Bruce Lee, Maxwell is able to dodge the faster of bullets. This also lends itself to movement correcting in fights with foes who ALSO have increased reflexes, which is his most enjoyed type of battle. [b][High]Advanced Bone Density:[/b] This is awfully simple, to compensate for the increased workload on his body, his bones are as hard as solid steel. These incredible pipes of bone support the great taxation on them. [/hider] [b]Character Equipment:[/b] [high] The Gloves of Holy Flame: Something you'd see on your average every day paladin, holy cleansing fire, but with a twist. These gauntlets allow him to use his inner flame to a greater outwardly potential. Whatever weapon held in the hands of these gauntlets is encased in a bright golden flame. This flame can burn at up to 2000 degrees, depending on his level of fighting spirit and concentration, and encases arrows as they are let fly, turning them into incredibly powerful missiles of destruction. The Gauntlets themselves are more durable than steel, able to stay bullets and stop minor explosives. The Golden flame has three enchantments on it, each of them are incredibly powerful: -The Cleansing Flame, this is the fire itself. It is golden flames that burn hot and cut through flesh like a very hot knife through butter. - Turn Undead, an enchantment given by the Church Of War to prevent undead from infecting their paladins. It drives away the undead, making the paladin look unappetizing and on contact instills a primal fear in any undead that can survive the contact. Lesser undead burn away just by coming close, and only the most powerful can survive contact from the flame itself. - The third enchantment is Unbreakable Weilder. This enchantment is a steadfast magical casing around whatever it enchants. Acting as a protective layer to prevent breakage. It is as hard as the tool, effectively making whatever the paladin holds twice as hard. It also covers his armor in a golden sheen, making it twice as durable as steel, just like it does to his weapons. It generates a shielding effect that can help to stay the damage from even the most powerful of natural and supernatural forces. It does NOT equal invulnerability, especially to those masters of strength equal to Maxwell. With a prep, the shield grows stronger and more effective. [Intermediate] Incredibly heavy armor of Maxwell: This armor is nothing special in the magic area, the only thing special about it is its great heft. The armor is fifteen hundred pounds of solid steel hanging from his body. It is inches thick and covers every single part of his body. It is gloriously shining though, almost magical in appearance. But otherwise unremarkable. [High] Defaeco Ignis (Cleansing Flame): Defaeco Ignis is a magical claymore, so incredibly long (8 feet) and heavy that it is unweildable to lesser men. The blade is made of hyper dense folded steel, forged in temperatures in excess of fifteen thousand degrees, hotter than the surface of the sun, crafted by his patron God of War personally. Now, this doesn't make it heat resistant. That's not what the heat forging was for. No, this forging lead to such awe-inspiring density that it is only useable by Maxwell. This blade is upwards of five hundred pounds and he uses it well. It's sharpened to a very fine edge, and can cut through trees with ease. In addition, it was hand made to work especially with the Golden Flame of Judgement. When used by Maxwell and the Flame, the flame extends off of the blade, giving Maxwell the ability to cast waves of golden fire that follow the line of his slices, effectively extending his range. [High] Sol Vituperium (Supple Sun): Supple Sun is honestly two ornate slabs of solid steel welded together with two slots. One for his arm, the other for his blade. It's about seven inches thick of steel plating, and weighs in excess of a thousand or so pounds. It's ten feet tall and five feet wide, capable of shielding him from all frontal assault. Basically becoming a wall between him and his foe. It also helps to deflect and block attacks of the magical variety, though it must be prepared in order to do so. Sorcerers of a lower caliber tremble in front of the mighty shield, as most of their spells will fizzle on contact. [High] O Arcus (The Bow): Maxwell himself crafted this out of the strongest, most ancient tree in the land, a monster of a tree standing at 600 feet tall (He didn't chop down the whole tree, just took a bit of wood and had a mage patch the tree up. Maxwell isn't one for wantonly disrupting nature). It is seven feet long and has enough tensile strength on a full draw to send arrows launching gargantuan spears of wood and steel five miles through the air at a neck breaking 780 mph. This bow turns Maxwell into a one man siege weapon, as no normal castle wall can stand up to a bow that launches what can be the equivalent to small meteors. Again, on the very best of fighters, it is less effective, as they normally have the reaction time to dodge it, but on untrained fighters and monsters, even the toughest ones can be brought down. [Intermediate] Quiver of Arrows: This thing isn't filled with your little toothpick arrows, these are spears. Entire spears length arrows, they're steel tipped with a brass shaft. They do not break easily, and he carries around two hundred of them in a large pouch on his back. They are each nine feet long from point to end. Other than that, Maxwell has nothing but his experiences and reflexes. His knowledge of magic and technology is lacking at best. He's strong, fast, and powerful. But that's it. He's a one trick pony that, while very effective and brutal at what he does, is admittedly fairly predictable. That being said, that doesn't help most people on the end of his fury. [b]Character History[/b] From a young age, Maxwell had been trained in the art of war. He lived in a country of devout priests and kings, going to battle with other nations under the cause of their god. However, there was a slight problem. Maxwell was never the biggest dude in the class. He was devout to a point, he never really believed in gods himself, but he enjoyed the battle and through applying himself, he was usually the one who enjoyed victory too, learning to put his small body to its fullest potential, fully controlling his movements and actions. This made him a force to be reckoned with on, and off of the battlefield. At the age of 15, he was enrolled into the draft, where a selective process would decide which branch of the military would be best suited for his abilities and mental processes. Now, as great a soldier that he was, a person of as little faith as Maxwell was at the time would never get far in the army of this country, so he was put in as a normal grunt. He fought some battles, won em all, and moved his ranks up. One day, when he was trekking through a particularly dangerous part of the landscape, he happened upon an old shrine dedicated to the most powerful god of the opposing forces, who also belong to a very religious king and government. As he moved to attack it, a massive hand reaches out and grabs him, pulling him into the shrine. “YOUNG ONE, I SENSE THE LOVE OF BATTLE IN YOU. YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT (and he didn't) BUT YOUR COUNTRY IS VERY EVIL. IF YOU FIGHT FOR ME, I WILL GIVE YOU THE POWER TO NEVER LOSE ANOTHER BATTLE AGAIN.” Propaganda or not (It wasn't, Maxwell's home country was super corrupt), he accepted, turning into the monster of a paladin you see today.