Name: Edmund Bask. Codename: Genocide Renown: The beast of Paradiso Age: 27 Gender: Male Race: Human (Pureblood Paradisonian) Faction: [url=]Paradiso[/url] - Unit Null: Number 8. Random descriptors: Height: 5'9 Weight: 160 lbs. Hair: Black. Eyes: Brown Character Tier: Low Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant Physical Description: He wears a slightly personified Null unit uniform. Black full-body protective mesh bodysuit underneath everything else, gray combat boots, and a gray unbuttoned uniform jacket that has wrapped it sleeves up to his elbows, and with the number eight written on it's shoulders in bright white. His hands find themselves graced by the awesome that is fingerless black leather gloves. While his legs are covered by bland black combat pants. A white cravat adorns his neck, hanging down loosely. His skin is pale from the lack of sunlight, and he has noticeable darkened eyelids. Paranoia and sleep deprivation has taken it's toll on his body and psyche, and it shows. His body is quick and shifty. Expecting every person he meets to stick a blade in his back, he unconsciously keeps himself at least an arms length away from everyone he meets. He often hunches over, and lets his arms hang loosely towards the ground. His head darting back and forth like an animal. When he feels in control, this changes drastically. He gains a more noble, controlled demeanor; standing upright and expressing a lot more presence. He speaks more softly as well. Where he normally speaks in an overly rough, very aggressive manner, once in control, he speaks gently. His words carrying a hint of charm, but only for a moment. Beneath the momentarily gentle exterior, hides a paranoid monster. Personality Description: Edmund is an overly aggressive, paranoid freak who doesn't know right from wrong. He solves most problems head on with violence or vile threats, while keeping himself at arms length from any emotional attachments that might occur. In his mind, everyone is out to get him. Even those without any motive to do so, believing them to be working with someone who does. He has severe abandonment issues, and nasty war traumas. He doesn't handle rejection well, and has no clue how to deal with his emotional problems. That being said, deep within his terrifying exterior, is a frightened little boy who was meant for a better life. His closest friend and companion is his trademark mecha, who he often speaks with, and can spend up to weeks locked up within it. It is, of course, not an actual living being, and is completely unable to hear him, or respond. Skills, powers and abilities: Body - (Low) He's fast, strong, and durable. Able to hold his own in a fight against his peers, but is easily outmatched by higher tiers. He's at the peak of what he can accomplish physically. Close combat - (Low) While he haven't mastered any martial arts, he fights with a brutality that easily makes up for it. Pressing himself to shrug off pain and keep going until either he, or his enemy, is dead. Pilot - (Intermediate) A natural talent at piloting mechas and aircraft, he is easily considered one of the best pilots in the fleet. Able to pilot such vehicles as if they were an extension of his own body. There is nowhere he is more at home, than in a cockpit. Firearms - (Low) He has received basic training with most weaponry employed by the Paradiso military. Mecha expertise - (Intermediate) He has spent years upon years of studies and practise, and knows his way around a Mecha like the back of his thumb. He is, due to this, able to build and design new Mechas, provided he has access to enough resources and a workforce of sufficient size. This does, however, not apply to the weaponry often installed in them, and requires a weapon expert of proficient skill to apply. Character Equipment: Mecha: - [url=]Hell hound[/url] (High) - [url=]Blood hound[/url] (Intermediate) - [url=]Black hound[/url] (Intermediate) Character History: Edmund Bask was born on the tropical planet of Paradiso, into the line of James and Katherine Bask, killing the latter upon birth. His father took the loss heavily, and ultimately blamed his son for her death. He was reminded of her every time he laid his eyes upon the boy, and decided to send him off-world to serve in the military in hopes of never seeing him again. Once there, Edmund got no special treatment for being pureblood, and was ridiculed for it by his peers throughout his childhood. He was assigned to the 560th battalion, who at the time was fighting a war with the arachnids of the Yargan nebula for three years, which had long since degraded into a trench war stalemate. They had been trying to breach their last line of defense for months, and losses were great on both sides. Edmund and the rest of his squad was sent down in by drop pod. Steel and fire rained down upon the battlefield that day, and less than half of their forces made it to the ground in one piece. It was hell. The squad's pod had taken a hit by a dud, and been knocked miles off course, landing deep behind the enemy lines. They lost their gunner, Grubs, the biggest and oldest of the group, upon impact. They buried him that same night. A terrible storm followed, and lightning struck their communication expert, frying both him and the invaluable equipment he carried. With nowhere to go, and essentially walking blind, their Sergeant made a decision. Activate the drop pod's emergency beacon, dig in, and sit tight until backup arrived. And so they did. It was a long wait, days had passed, and their supplies were running short. They could hear footsteps approaching in the distance. Help, at last. The Sergeant lit a torch, and stepped out of the trench; he waved it back and forth. "Friendly!" He shouted. Edmund still remember, in vivid detail, the broken bones and pieces of brain that hit him like a cold beef square in the face as the resulting firefight took place. Three arachnids, a scouting group, versus their squad of five. Edmund and two others were the only survivors. They left their trench behind, knowing that a much larger enemy force would soon come upon it, and headed for a series of underground caverns they had spotted a few days earlier. It soon became evident that their enemy was far greater at tracking them down than they had anticipated, and they took massive fire from two gunships and four arachnid squads at the mouth of the cavern. Their scout, got his leg torn clean off, and it was a miracle that the three of them managed to get into the cave and seal off the entrance with a few well-placed explosive charges. Still, it was only a temporary solution. Outside, they could hear the arachnids pull and tear at the rocks blocking their path, and it was only a matter of time before they could get through. It was Edmund's fateful decision to further explore the caverns that proved to be their salvation. Deep within the darkest depths of it, they came upon a long forgotten relic. A machine left there by an unknown civilization decades ago. Perhaps a trace of the species that had inhabited the planet before the foul arachnids came upon it. Wherever it came from, it saved their asses. Edmund inspected the massive metallic creation, and discovered a cockpit. The weapon had rusted limbs, and broken pieces of weaponry attached to it. It was some kind of mecha. An old one. If they were lucky, it still had enough juice to get them out of the pickle they were in. If they were lucky. Edmund climbed in, and searched for a power switch. He was well familiar with the interior of such a weapon. It was one of the few things he had learned by his own desire during his time at the academy. He flipped something he reckoned was the on-switch, it was labeled in some foreign language he didn't understand. There was an indescribable comforting vibration as the mech powered up. A mechanical voice emitted into the cockpit in jibberish. Edmund was more focused on it's controls. Luckily enough, they were pretty basic. No buttons needed to be pressed. He simply pulled the right stick to handle the right arm, and the left for the other. The legs had a similar control scheme, but were located beneath him. His feet were barely long enough to reach it. His squad mates climbed into the cockpit. It was big enough for the three of them, but their scout was bleeding all over the place. Edmund clumsily got the mech moving. It is unknown how the arachnids reacted to the sudden turn of events, but some say that when the mech burst through the cavern wall, and tore one of the gunships in half, they were faced with an ancient enemy of such vastly vengeful proportions and familiarity, that they simply dropped their weapons and surrendered. That didn't stop Edmund, however, who continued his relentless assault until every single one of their scrawny little bodies were crushed beneath his feet. Even when the remaining gunship retreated, he gave chase, and hunted it down. All the way back to it's base, fifteen miles away. Demolishing it as well. Even when faced with the colors of the 560th, did he refuse to stop. His squad mates desperately tried to wrestle control of the vehicle, but he could not be halted. Only after tearing his way through half of the battalion, did his mech finally run out of juice. And he was forevermore known as the beast of Paradiso. This event caused so much chaos in the arachnid ranks, that the 560th battalion were able to breach their line of defense, wiping their species from the face of history. It was at that point in time, at the age of thirteen, that he was contacted by the Null unit. During his rampage, he had unintentionally killed number thirteen of the assault branch, and was immediately recruited into their ranks. Given this new status, command saw fit to repair, and modify, the mech he had found on the arachnid homeworld. As the years passed, he built several different mechs, all based on the first one, and at the same time, fought his way up to becoming number eight. He had repelled several attempts on his own life, as well as gained the codename Genocide. He had become a weapon of mass destruction. A destroyer of worlds.