[hider=Omokage, of the Divine Flame][img=http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p767/Superglue222/shinobi_v2_by_cloudminedesign-d3ikb4q_zps7b12935c.jpg][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 1 Year. [b]Persona:[/b] Omokage, or 'Omo' as he has been dubbed by fans of his is a quiet being, easily distinguished by his lone wolf persona and Ninja-esque style. Omokage is known throughout the community for his aloof attitude, never taking a battle overly serious yet seeming to fight in an effortlessly calculated style accustomed to a Shinobi. Not much can be spoken about his true purpose or anything definite about his true personality. Some would describe him as a ruthless Ninja trained to kill without remorse while others might say he's simply a tortured monk given too much power and not enough freedom. [b]Origin Myth:[/b] Omokage is known to be a former monk, trained to hone his body and obtain spiritual purity within the highest temple in the world. There he lived with other monks who somehow managed to survive for hundreds of years without disturbing anyone. It is unclear just how long he stayed a monk before the tragedy in his life struck. It is said that one snowy night within the temple Omokage was busy praying while the other monks slept. Unbeknownst to them Samurai from a town at the base of the mountain had picked tonight to invade and remove the monks from their sacred mountain. They knew if they attacked head on the highly skilled monks would defend and destroy the army easily so the Samurai's had a terrible plan. They decided that while the monks slept they would barricade the doors to where they slept and burned the place down. Omokage who was safe within the temple could hear the screams of agony from his brothers who sat trapped in their living quarters while it took them. Omokage began praying as hard as he could to the dragon goddess the monks praised, the goddess felt terrible of what had happened to her followers and decided to exact revenge. She instructed him to run and began leading him to a cave at the very top of the mountain. Within this cave, a small fire sat burning the brightest flame ever seen by men. The goddess then instructed Omokage to ingest the fire, if his will was strong enough he would survive and be granted power to get revenge and so the young monk put his face into the burning fire and began to eat it. Once the flame was entirely ingested, he sat for days as it raged inside him burning the sin from his body. Now defined as a pure being, Omokage traveled to the town of the Samurai who now partied happily believing their sacred mountain was now free of dark influence. The being which was now Omokage arrived with his body engulfed in the bright flames that raged inside him, using these new abilities he burned the entire countryside and a few neighboring villages to the ground in a rage. He now travels, purifying anyone deemed too sinful to go on with his holy fire. --- [hider=Abilities] Hagio-Pyrokinetic Manipulation & Generation - Defined as the ability to influence and create 'Holy Fire'. Being a former monk, Omokage was blessed with the ability to utilize a divine fire which appears as a bright white flame to cleanse his enemies. Outside sources of fire may simply be blessed by him in order to empower his own, as he holds a somewhat limited generation capacity. The white flames themselves, produce a thick black smoke which is also part of his abilities, allowing him to control it as well. Although he cannot transform his entire body into the fire, Omokage can transform his entire body into the deep black smoke that comes off the bright white flames but requires an equal quantity to reform his physical body. Martial Arts - Trained to defend himself in a massive variety of specialized close-combat techniques, Omokage has been seen utilizing a majority of ancient styles and weapons to do so. [/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b][list] [*] Tanto (Short Blade)[/*] [*] Tekko-Kage (Hand Claws)[/*] [*] Shuriken (Throwing Star)[/*] [*] Kusari-Gama (Scythe Chain)[/*] [*] San-Jie-Gun (Three-Section Staff)[/*] [*] Tessen (Iron Fan)[/*] [/list]