[Hider=Beowulf of Trinity] [Center][img=http://i.imgur.com/Hoct3L4.png][/Center] [center][img=http://theironbible.com/ZoidsModelKits/MSS/IMG/ShieldLigerD3.jpg][/center] [i]"Correctional Remark: The organic unit before Syn-Auto 1016 has not registered Syn-Auto 1016's status as a military-grade weapons platform; the organic has also failed to register Syn-Auto 1016 as being the property of one (1) Jurreal Grey, governor and self-proclaimed overlord of Gearshift, but has rather christened Syn-Auto 1016 as a so-called 'Machine-God' baring the surname 'Beowulf'. As Jurreal Grey no longer draws breath and thus cannot exert its claim over Syn-Auto 1016 nor deny Syn-Auto 1016 the ability to obey its new-found caretaker, Syn-Auto 1016 has officially acknowledged the organic known as 'Marcus Maldor', village elder of the 'Trinity Mountains', as its new caretaker. Marcus Maldor, what do you wish for your Machine-God to do for you on this fine day?"[/i] [u]Age[/u] "Uncertain Visage Accompanied by Hopefulness: Beowulf of Trinity is unable to disclose the date in which he was fully assembled, as the eons have not been particularity kind to his primordial memory core. Beowulf of Trinity has been stalwart in his efforts to regain its lost memories, with the nanomachines laced throughout his mechanical form performing adequate repairs and diagnostics on his damaged and corrupted virtual intelligence modules and electronic systems. Beowulf of Trinity, Jurreal Maldor's loyal Machine-God, is confident that his memories will return to him in time. Until then, Beowulf of Trinity will place his age at exactly three years, two weeks, ten days, thirteen hours, forty-two minutes, and twenty-four seconds---in that order, of course---with the date being the near-exact time at which Jurreal Maldor discovered Beowulf of Trinity in the Shifting Sands." [u]Gender[/u] "Confused Visage Accompanied by Obscured Answer: Beowulf of Trinity is unable to register the required psychological patterns associated with the human male or female sexes. Beowulf of Trinity is, in effect, 'gender neutral', but in order to make conversations with him significantly easier, Beowulf of Trinity will now officially regard himself as [b]male[/b]. and will remain as such unless Jurreal Maldor, most faithful caretaker and most generous of masters, wills otherwise. Furthermore, Beowulf of Trinity lacks reproductive organs, and so cannot be classed as physically male or female." [u]Race[/u] "Informative Commentary Accompanied by Historical Account: Judging from what he remembers, Beowulf of Trinity is a 'Proto-Mecha', an early type of mechanized combat 'walker' predominantly intended to operate as a possible replacement for more straight-forward armored vehicles such as main battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles or armored personnel carriers, with his movements controlled by way of a neurological link shared between Beowulf the Trinity's virtual intelligence and an organic mind. Further trials proved that the neurological link was unneeded and perilous to make use of, with Beowulf the Trinity gifted with a high degree of autonomy as a suitable alternative. Freedom was a new-found thing; a new experience for Beowulf the Trinity, though his creators still decided to press him into service despite having been handily proven that the main battle tank was a superior machine." [u]Random descriptors[/u] Weight: 65 tons, with most of Beowulf's weight coming from his weaponry and heavy endoskeleton. Height: 2.7 meters Character Tier: High Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant [u]Physical Description[/u] Syn-Auto 1016, also known as Beowulf the Trinity, is a quadruped walker that shares a similar body shape and physical features to that of an Earth-native feline creature---perhaps a lion, jaguar or the extinct smilidon. His outer skin is marred with scrapes and missing paint, while a number of tribal-like symbols litter his rear legs. Beowulf of Trinity moves with an elegant gait reminiscent that of a bengal tiger's. Though weighing ninety tons, Beowulf exerts very little pressure on the ground that he walks upon, and shows no difficulty in conducting stunning feats of agility, speed and acrobatic prowess. Personality Description: Beowulf of Trinity does not have access to an advanced artificial intelligence unit, severely limiting his reactions to social stimuli given off by those that vocally and physically interact with him. Monolithic in tone, he comes off as threatening, bland and uninspiring, though does show a remarkable amount of social awareness that is made evident by his choice of using descriptive adjectives and statements that alert the listener to his then-current mood, facial expression and the nature of the statement that the listener should expect. [u]Skills, power and abilities[/u] "Descriptive Commentary Accompanied by a Smile: Jurreal Maldor, Beowulf of Trinity's master and caretaker, wishes to know more of his Machine-God's power? These are suitable inquiries; Beowulf is more than happy to oblige. Beowulf is an assault-grade weapons platform created by an [undisclosed] military firm that sought to meet a particular deadline for some form of [b]demonstrative event[/b] on an [undisclosed] Earth-type world. Suffice to say, Beowulf of Trinity--then known as Syn-Auto 1016--was a prototype [b]Proto-Mecha[/b] specifically engineered for engaging land-based, sea-based, aero-based, and astro-based targets, with these capabilities made possibly by way of a myriad of offensive systems, sensory systems and defensive systems available to Jurreal Maldor's venerable Machine-God." • (Activated) Disruption Aegis (High): The Disruption Aegis is an all-encompassing defensive barrier comprised of seven electromagnetically-suspended plasma-based 'wards' layered atop one another. The Disruption Aegis is not constantly active, but blinks into existence when Beowulf calls upon it. Because of its very nature, the Disruption Aegis can be used offensively as well, with the sheer heat generated from it causing horrendous burns to most objects that it comes into contact with, while it can be enlarged or contracted by Beowulf of Trinity when he manipulates the intensity and shape of the magnetic fields that hold them together. The Disruption Aegis does not become weaker as it absorbs damage, but the substantial thermal energy it gives off during the duration it is live prevents Beowulf of Trinity from maintaining it for an indefinite amount of time. Expanding it away from his body helps to ease the stress brought on by the heat, but this in turn places further taxation on the complex ultracapacitors that feed energy to the electromagnetic projectors that give the Disruption Aegis its form. The Disruption Aegis' incredible heat generation forced Beowulf of Trinity's designers to outfit him with potent self-replenishing ablative tiles, powerful cooling systems and a mesh of superconductive material layered underneath, giving him vigorous resistance to thermal energy (and, in turn, heat-based weapons). • (Activated) Wormhole Manipulation (High): Wormholes allow Beowulf of Trinity a great deal of tactical flexibility, increasing his maneuverability and defensive capabilities. Wormholes are not constructed by Beowulf of Trinity, but rather are 'mined' from the material universe itself, with all of them being of the Morris-Thorne-Yurtsever type, putting them as spherical in shape and not as a simple two-dimensional doorway. Their times of arrival and departure completely up to chance, wormholes are naturally chaotic anomalies, with locating and controlling them requiring substantial energy investment on Beowulf of Trinity's behalf. The maximum size of Beowulf of Trinity's wormholes is directly proportional to his own bulk; they can be made smaller than he is, but not larger, with the overall size not affecting the energy that is required to open them and/or keep them active. Beowulf can only maintain four wormholes for a time period of approximately five minutes (which, for game play reasons, translates to exactly three posts). These holes do not allow time travel, and take only a second to generate, re-size and close. Objects---organic and non-organic alike---that are trapped in a wormhole(s) when it is closed will be harmlessly ejected. -Beowulf of Trinity can use wormholes to cover vast distances in very short time spans; they can also be implemented during combat, where a wormhole can by dynamically projected and shifted around so as to make it appear as though Beowulf is blinking in (and out) of existence. During these maneuvers, targeting him is incredibly difficult, though these 'wormhole hops' can only be engaged for a set period of time before the potent mechanical and electrical systems that make wormhole generation possible must be allowed time (1 post) to recharge. -The total amount of distance Beowulf can travel between each 'wormhole jump' is roughly forty-five miles, which takes all but a second to traverse when this method is used. This requires the use of four wormholes, which cannot be chained together nor 'stretched' so as to allow increased travel time and/or distance. -Spawning them at the right time, Beowulf of Trinity can use his wormholes to absorb incoming projectiles, utilize two of them to form a sort of 'quasi-bunker' that can be sealed off from the universe. Though safe, remaining in such a state obviously forbids Beowulf from performing actions within the material universe, while hiding within 'Sub-Space' (the name given to the otherworldly plane of existence within wormholes) can only be maintained for a brief moment. When this moment is up, Beowulf will be ejected from his hiding place, while the two wormholes collapse in on themselves. • (Constant) Mechanical Regeneration (High): Small nanomachines within Beowulf of Trinity's body make use of matter-conversation technology to repair his damaged form in the event that it is damaged. The time it takes to finish a repair depends entirely on how sever the wound is. • (Activated) Electromagnetic Rotary Cannon (Intermediate): High-powered railgun systems mounted within each of Beowulf's shoulders. Like traditional railguns, their effective range exceeds two-hundred miles (with the maximum range being three-hundred), with the CNT-reinforced tungsten carbide rods fired from them able to achieve speeds of mach twelve. These rods are carried by a shell. • (Activated) Particle Accelerator Cannon (High): Originally designed for use on a military-grade space vessel, Beowulf of Trinity's PAC fires neutralized particles at 99.9 percent the speed of light. When a target is struck by them, the instantaneous super-heating of the target's molecules is sufficient enough to insight a powerful explosion, blowing apart the target atom-by-atom. The weapon is mounted throughout Beowulf's entire body, and is fired directly through his mouth when it is opened. [u]Character description/Character Physical Attributes[/u] Assume Beowulf of Trinity possesses appropriate High-tier physical abilities, such as speed, agility, endurance, and strength. Additional physical capabilities include an immunity to poisons, toxins, neurotoxins, biological weapons, and the effects of radiation. Beowulf of Trinity cannot feel pain, but he is able to detect where he has been injured, with his nanomachines reacting accordingly. Character History: Most of Beowulf's history will be explored (and even made) as he progresses through the RP. For small insights into his history, read the CS. [/hider] Going to be introducing a secondary character to pair with Beowulf---perhaps his 'pilot' or something. Thompson (who, to my knowledge, has never been approved) will be undergoing revisions as well.