Trainer Papers Trainer name: Evangeline Monique la Devereaux Avery Gender: Female Date of Birth [Age]: 15/11/97 (26) Region of Origin: Sinnoh Physical description: Shoulder-length azure hair with a fairly tall, slightly thin build. Occupation during war: Waitress Post-War Occupation: Lounge Singer Brief Biography: Evangeline and her parents were born in Sinnoh, but eventually moved to Johto due to her father’s business. When the war flared up, her father signed up to fight – Despite being from Sinnoh originally, her father actually fought with the united army of Johto and Kanto, thinking that his home region was stepping too far. The day he left was the last they ever saw of him. He was declared ‘Missing in Action’, but both mother and daughter knew enough to know that was their way of saying ‘dead’. In the absence of their father, they each took up jobs to bring in money; While Evangeline worked a fairly meagre job as a waitress, her mother managed to make quite a name for herself as a lounge singer. In doing so, she got herself involved with the underground mafia group known only as Team Rocket. This was where she met Giovanni – And subsequently fell in love with him. The two became lovers of a kind, before Miss Avery’s sudden and mysterious disappearance. After the war’s end, having gained the position of mayor, Giovanni took Evangeline herself in to replace the role her mother played. Evangeline said yes – But that didn’t mean anything. You just didn’t say no to Giovanni; there was no love in their ‘relationship’, just protection from whatever Giovanni would do to keep her in line. Unlike her mother, Evangeline’s loyalty lay elsewhere. In her mother’s stead, and the supposed ‘peace’ that followed the war, Evangeline also became a lounge singer. As Giovanni’s ‘girl’ and a famous singer, it seems Evangeline has taken after her mother in several ways. Legal alignment: Lawful Pokémon’s Papers First Pokémon (primary partner) Name: Angelina Species: Mawile Gender: Female Type: Steel Physical description: Angelina is a fairly regular Mawile – The biggest distinctive feature she has is a deep, violet bow tied to its head; a keepsake from its previous owner. Met: Evangeline’s mother apparently met it late at night in Sinnoh. Brief personality description: As Mawile are wont to be, Angelina is curious, playful and cheeky. However, the fun ends when she feels Evangeline is in danger – though not her original owner, Angelina is incredibly protective of Evangeline. Relationship with trainer: Angelina is the only thing Evangeline has to remember her mother by – She used to belong to Miss Avery, and was left to Evangeline the day before she disappeared. Though it took a while for the two to get along, they eventually formed a bond that couldn’t be broken. They’re both deathly protective of one another, willing to do anything in their power to stop the other from being hurt. Move Set: [Crunch] [Fake Tears] [Sucker Punch][Iron Defense] Second Pokémon (secondary partner) Name: Marlisa Species: Gardevoir Gender: Female Type: Psychic Physical description: Marlisa is taller than the average Gardevoir, and has a blue bow around its neck. Met: Evangeline met Marlisa as a Ralts, foraging around in an alleyway for food, just outside the restaurant she used to wait at. Knowing how sought after Hoenn Pokemon were (and not in any legal sort of way), she decided to catch her and keep her safe. Brief personality description: Marlisa is a perfect foil to Angelina – Whereas Angelina is cheeky and playful, Marlisa is calm, collected and gentle. While willing to partake in play activities, she doesn’t take to rough and tumble things like Angelina does. Relationship with trainer: Having known each other for a long time, Marlisa and Evangeline are very good companions. While Angelina rushes to help her trainer, Marlisa prefers to stay back and calmly evaluate things – Though she’s just as protective of her saviour and owner as Angelina is. Move Set: (No moves post-Gen IV.) [Psychic] [Magical Leaf] [Future Sight] [Teleport] Third Pokémon Name: Isabella Species: Froslass Gender: Female Type: Ice/Ghost Physical description: Isabella is actually a little smaller and thinner than your average Froslass, and wears a blue scarf. Met: When Evangeline was young, her mother caught a Snorunt for her – She enjoyed playing with it, until one day while they were out, Isabella dug up a Dawn Stone in the snow. Coming into contact with it caused her to evolve into a Froslass. As a result of it, the once-playful and curious Isabella became haughty and cold. Though she still cared for it, Evangeline found it hard to get along with the new Isabella, and they eventually drifted apart. Brief personality description: In a word, Isabella is haughty. She gives off a cold, elegant air that makes her rather hard to approach, and even harder to be friendly with. However, Evangeline and Isabella do care for each other, and Isabella certainly wouldn’t stand by and let her trainer be hurt. Relationship with trainer: Isabella and Evangeline have a difficult time getting along. Evangeline loves Isabella deep down, but she can’t help but miss the happy-go-lucky Snorunt she played with as a child. Move Set: (No moves post-Gen IV.) [Icy Wind] [Ominous Wind] [Wake-Up Slap] [Hail] Fourth Pokémon Name: Esmeralda Species: Roselia Gender: Female Type: Grass/Poison Physical description: On the outside, Esmeralda is a perfectly healthy Roselia. However, Esmeralda’s problem is not on the outside – Quite the opposite, Esemeralda’s flowers are bright and healthy, and she proudly wears an azure scarf around her left wrist. Met: Evangeline met Esmeralda rather recently – Seeing her standing out in the tall grass, staring wistfully into the sky, Evangeline believed her to be a mysterious, elegant Pokemon. Then she tried to catch it. None of Angelina’s attacks seemed to phase it, so after a while Evangeline simply threw a ball at it. Bouncing against its head, that one Pokeball was all it took to capture Esmeralda. This made Evangeline feel proud – Esmeralda obviously chose Evangeline as her trainer, and didn’t need to fight back, obviously! This wasn’t exactly accurate... Brief personality description: There is no beating around the bush here – Esmeralda is not smart. Esmeralda is actually a rather dim, airheaded Roselia. What Evangeline thought was mysterious elegance was really one of what was to be many periods of spacing out and staring off into space that Esmeralda would go through. By all means, Esmeralda is not a bad Pokemon – She tries her hardest and puts her all into every fight. Unfortunately, her all is just not very much. She really is not the brightest bulb in the garden. Relationship with trainer: Esmeralda has an almost childlike affection for her training, trying everything she can to impress Evangeline; unfortunately, ‘everything she can’ rarely includes effective fighting. Through no malicious intentions, Esmeralda often ignores her trainer’s orders to try dancing for Evangeline, or practising her whistling, or even producing some nice scents from her flowers. While she is fairly good in battle, it is often a complete fluke. Move Set: (No moves post-Gen IV.) [Giga Drain] [Petal Dance] [Grass Whistle] [Aromatherapy]