[hider=Appearance][img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/52/600x868_9994_Forest_Warrior_2d_fantasy_snake_girl_woman_archer_elf_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Ekho [b]Title:[/b] The Beast Queen [b]Age:[/b] Five months [b]Personality:[/b] Ekho is a proud woman who does not allow herself to be trampled over by anyone. She is fierce with a hot-temper and a terrifying aura. She is not charismatic and is terrified of talking to crowds, though she can stand in front of them, in which she ends up stuttering and stumbling over her words. However, if she is talking to just one person, she is able to get in their head quickly and convince them to do her bidding. Ekho is loud and boisterous, with no shame so she’ll admit to anything. If you were to befriend her, which is not likely, she would have unwavering loyalty to you. [hider=Origin Myth:] Ekho was once a beautiful girl who lived in a village with a meek personality and a always-follow-the-rules inclination. She was sought after by many men, but one in particular had wanted her too much. His name was Totus. He was not so bad looking himself. A matter of fact, he was everything girls wanted. He was handsome, rich, and powerful. However, Ekho was not interested and no matter what he did, she remained that way. Totus was nothing if not persistent. The rich man did anything he could to receive her favor. Alas, nothing worked. Totus was frustrated – beyond frustrated! It’s no surprise of what happened next. Ekho had been collecting food in the jungle when he approached her – she had attempted to get him off, but she was not strong. When it was all done, Ekho screamed so loud, the whole world could hear the echo and the village girl had escaped. She dove into the river nearby and escaped into the jungle. There she was at the mercy of animals and had to defend herself from monstrous things. Her body went under altercations to better adapt to her surroundings and she soon learned how to harmonize with the beasts of the jungle. Ekho promised herself that she would never be weak ever again. Ekho is now a proud woman who lives in a jungle with a strong personality and a never-let-them-walk-all-over-you inclination. (This is loosely based off the story of Pan’s pursuance of Ekho and of Pan’s pursuance of Syrinx. Totus means All in Latin and Pan loosely means all as well.)[/hider] [hider=Powers/Skills/Abilities] [b]Banshee Scream[/b] – Ekho generates a powerful scream that can blow away opponents and deafen them. However, it puts a lot of strain on her throat and body, so she can only use it sparingly. [b]Constrict[/b] – Ekho possesses strong leg muscles and arm muscles and with these she will wrap around your body and squeeze tightly, breaking bones. This is one of her most common fighting techniques. [b]Flexibility[/b] – Ekho is super flexible and can bend her body in multiple ways. [b]Venom Spew[/b] – Ekho can spew venom/poison vapor from her mouth at her enemies. It is not enough to kill, but enough to slow an enemy down. The venom/poison is easily curable.[/hider] [hider=Equipment] Talus – Talus is a poison tipped spear[/hider] [hider=Theme Song] [youtube]bJ7_eJrrnDo[/youtube][/hider] --- Sorry, mine's "backstory" is really depressing ^_^' its based off of Greek myths...so...