Though no words were exchanged between the goblin and himself, the lead had been set, and the ball was in taxilus' court to play. He raised an eyebrow at first. Pondering what Kraith hoped him to do, but a glint in the goblin's eye told him [I]"Anything"[/I] he cleared his throat a bit, amd nearly took a swing at the back of Kraith's head before making a move.  Moving casually to the guard's side, Traxilus racked his brain in an attempt to bring up a suitable conversation topic. Ten thousand years of active duty had left him.... rusty with the opposite sex and advances he once would have felt as natural. "Sooo... how long have you been traveling as a royal escort?"  The guard seemed amused by the question. "Time has no bearing on duty."  A sad kind of smile crept onto his face. He felt a soft hand grip his heart, and a soft sigh escape his lips. "That is a concept I find myself very familiar with. I find it odd that one touched by as few summers as you can find herself so dutiful."  "Duty is all that separates us from total chaos and death." She states plainly. "... But I thank you for the compliment, male." A sly smirk reaches her lips. Either she found him attractive or humorous... Perhaps both.  "There were others that I knew once, who felt the same. They were stronger than I was, to be sure, but as they found chaos around them despite a fierce duty, they abandoned that duty and prayed for death..." Faces of friends raced through his mind, he wondered how they had managed upon their release, and if they had found freedom as relieving as they had hoped it would be. "Though given enough time I suppose anyone might do the same."  "Not I." The amazon stated without a hint or doubt in her voice.  "I doubt you're faith has been tested for ten millenia, but who am I to truly judge how old anyone is." He said with a quick glance up and down her figure  She chuckles, then purrs in approval at how forward his advances seemed to become. "We only live for thirty years, [I]old man[/I]."  "Then there's so much you might miss out on if you don't seize the opportunities." He said as his eyes finally locked on hers.  "Mmm..." She licks her lips, briefly hesitating to look back at the Queen's tent. "..." She sighs... Then grabs Traxilus by the collar of his shirt. "I can always take watch and care from inside the tent..." She growls playfully.  Traxilus grabs her by her hips and draws her closer "Why bother? I'm sure the two of us out here would ward off any would be intruders, or at least shift the focus of their interest."  She wraps her arms around his neck and nips his lower lip in play. "Oh, how... Open of you." She smirks, tracing a finger down his spine. "I am not, though... And I would be distracted out here, with you... Mmm... Inside would be better."  Trax slid one of his hands down her thigh and then all the way back up to her chin, returning some of the play. "Well then if you're more comfortable, I suppose the tent is a close second."  She responds by pulling on his collar towards the tent impatiently. It seemed there was no saying no to an Amazon now...