Fury prepared to engage in deadly combat with the Hero of Earth, his hands blazed with fiery energy to the point where he was certain he could grievously wound the General. He almost half raised his hand and his muscles tensed, even as they looked at each other across the room. The Hero discovered he could drain his energy, and Fury was about to reply with a characteristically forceful reply… Then, the most disturbing and nausea inducing sound permeated the air. Accompanied by a massive thump, the huge bear crashed into the ground outside, and Fury felt the sizable energy signature radiated by such bulk entering his field of battle. Expecting some new, deadly threat, he began to charge power in his hands like he were some huge lightning rod. He did not grace the General with a reply when he questioned the allegiance of the new intruder, for Fury was just as baffled but he was unwilling to give his foe too much information, better to leave them all on even grounds. Noticing the General was readying himself, Fury pulled his right hand back ready to deliver a bone crunching punch. Then, the giant bear head poked through the hole in the wall, and unleashed a guttural sound he could not even begin to understand. “The fuck is that!” He couldn’t help cursing, before turning his head back in time to see the General bursting away with an energy technique like his own. Fury braced himself, letting the blast flow around him through sheer concentration, no easy feat considering the situation. The after-effects of the General’s propulsion method burned through three sets of cubicles to Fury’s left as it bounced off his shield. Despite failing to hurt him however, it served its purpose as the General was already in open-air by the time Fury was ready to pursue him, and he had a massive bear to contend with. It hadn’t attacked him yet, but its presence was irritating. With a negligent flick, Fury sent an energy disc flying in the Bear’s general direction, finding it near impossible for him to miss such a large target with a fast-flying disc of energy. It was powerful enough to cut through a human body or even the trunk of a tree with little effort, he was interested to see what it could do to a giant Bear’s nose.