well here it is, waiting for confirmation before editing it in the cs. [hider=weapon choice]Colour balls - The size of a fist, these are made out of digital 'paint' held in a thin transparent membrane. These spheres can be conjured and dissipated by Yasukazu mentally while in the DgtWld as a Corrector, making them appear on his palm or disappear with a mental signal. They are elastic until a certain amount of force is applied to them, most notably hitting another object after dropping or throwing them, or even poking it with something sharp at which point burst into a viscous goop and latches on to whatever it can. Comes in different hues, and each hue secrets unique effects upon bursting. Only one hue can be conjured by a single person at any instance.[list] [*]Red - the offensive colour, latches on to an object and after a moment explodes.[/*] [*]Green - comes 'alive' upon bursting, becoming a green viscous 'rope' that binds around an object it came in contact with. Slicing and projectiles are ineffective against it [the 'rope' will slice or make a hole respectively but quickly mend itself] unless they are laced with powers such as fire or energy.[/*] [*]Blue - harmless explosion of blue, temporarily obstructing sensors, preventing wireless signals, sound or visual from passing through the blue.[/*] [*]Grey - the least viscous out of all the colours, almost liquid-like upon bursting. It seeps into whatever object it covers, leaving only its grey shade in its wake. The grey area receives an enhanced tolerance to being sliced, burnt, frozen or a massive exertion of force; a protective area, so to speak. Enough volume to cover Yasukazu's hands and forearms or feet/shoes and legs.[/*] [/list] [/hider]