Sorry, forgot to subscribe and missed the OOC post. Here's my character: Name: Ren KaiSei Age: 22 Job: Blacksmith Personality: Ren is gentle, accommodating and passionate about his work, though he is a bit cheap and stingy due to having lived through tough times. He ultimately just wants everyone to get along, and has a hard time balancing this with his own needs and desires. Appearance: Ren has a youthful appearance with light skin, dark eyes, and short black hair, except for a long ponytail he leaves in the back. He is somewhat small in stature and wears traditional, flowing Eastern garb that look almost a little too big for him. [hider=Ren][img=] [img=][img=][/hider] History: Ren is an immigrant from the East, the fifth son of a wealthy merchant family. Due to their wealth there was a lot of political powermongering among the siblings, especially the older ones who lorded over him. He didn't want to pick sides, but that only made the others think that he was also vying for the family fortune. To remove himself from the competition, he picked up the 'lowly' trade of smithing from the town blacksmith, and when he achieved journeyman status, left his home to make his own way in the world. He spent several years wandering, living a homeless lifestyle before happening upon Prosper Town, where the elderly, Blacksmith had recently passed away, leaving no heir to carry on his trade. The mayor offered Ren the old smith's home and smithy in exchange for his services, so Ren feels a life-debt to the mayor who finally ended his life on the streets.