[quote=Wind Wild] Since you asked and bold and italic statements annoy me, I'll be blunt. I think all "veterans" trying to restr players for no valid reason is selfish and unjust. All I can gather is that some people had certain ideas in their heads that they claim were set facts but, may I point out, we're never discussed with the actual GM at the time, ME. I allowed players maximum freedom which never meant to create lore behind my back and you now restricting other players with those "facts" is petty. Whatever, I passed on the touch and won't correct any inaccuracies or restrict people unless asked an opinion. However I do call for Slade and Mika to act like leaders and resolve things like that sternly as you guys DID choose THEM to be leaders. Follow them. [/quote] Are we doing this, is this actually happening right now? I really hope this was not just brought into the OOC. Actually, no, no it was not. I do apologize if this appears as arguing my dear newcomers to the RP. We will do our best to [I]settle[/I] this little miscommunication debacle out of sight, so allow it to drift out of mind. One of your Assistant GMs, yoshua171