[quote=Mikael] I'm not really sure what you mean. Demons manipulate essence in themselves and outside very well in order to cast various spells, including elemental ones. They can't create matter or energy. In contrast, all abilities of angels, while they may seem like magic, are just very souped up biological functions. A guardian angel gets damaged transferred from his charge to him no matter the distance. A weather angel -is- the kind of weather she/he becomes: volcano, storm, hurricane. They do not require essence to fuel these abilities: just stamina. [/quote] Let me rephrase what I was asking: Take a cannon like Harry Potter which has magic in it, in order to cast that the wizard/witch need a wand or otherwise they can't use magic. I didn't know if something like that was required for humans or if it was like Blood Act ( a rp I GM right now) where the Players use their own arcanite (which is how I explain Magic in that rp and is rather similar to Essence's role) and bases more on physical endurance to perform it. I hope that made better sense and if not, I'm sorry as I'm not always very good at explaining things that I mean. Rtron and others have become use to it and started to get a sense sometimes of what I'm trying to state. >,< Celaira: he's almost done, mostly, save for magic and history as I need to still send that pm to the GMs.