[hider=Appearance][img=http://31.media.tumblr.com/02fb7cdbef291c39fd391a3c060b5074/tumblr_n39hqeCFOy1s6zwwao1_1280.jpg][/hider] [center][b]The Jackal Knight[/b][/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPqtYWIXsAs]Epitaph for Boletaria[/url][/center] --- [b]Name[/b]: Theow [b]Age[/b]: One of the first Champions created for and operated by a Corporation. He's been around for quite a bit of time. [b]Personality[/b]: Theow is as much of a public figure for the Corporation that keeps his servers running as their own Board of Directors and as such he spends most of his time in public showing off and drawing attention to himself through his actions. To bystanders and younger Champions Theow comes off as friendly and approachable, always willing to lend a hand, offer advice, trade items or just stop for a chat, making him one of the most popular and well recognized Champions on Agar Mythos. Of course this has also made him one of the most criticized and, in certain circles, despised. While the number of people who held such views were smaller a year ago their numbers have grown substantially recently, even among those who once sang his praises. The knowledge that there are a growing number of people who view him as an outdated cliche best left to wither and die off in some unseen corner of the virtual world has taken it's toll on Theow, though he does little to show it to the public. Where once he was as cheery and lighthearted in private as he was to the public masses Theow's mood has turned sour and grim. Rarely accepting visitors anymore Theow has turned to venting his frustrations through violence, oftentimes flying into fits of rage in the privacy of his own dwellings and reducing the contents therein to little more than splinters and shards. This of course does little to alleviate his growing anxiety and serves only to send him deeper into a spiral of hate. [b]Origin Myth[/b]: [hider=Origin]Born to the captain of a roaming band of knights in a land far to the west the young boy that would become known simple as Theow learned to wield the sword early in life. The battlefield was his backyard and in it he learned that not all kinds of play are for children. Swordplay came easily to the youth and he soon carved a name for himself across the land, one that struck fear into the hearts of his foes and respect in those fortunate to have him as their comrade. Eventually the lad became a man and, with his father's blessing, the young man struck out on his own to found his own order of roaming knights. As the years proceeded the young knight and his band gained fame and fortune for their exploits in a number of wars, the name of their leader becoming infamous even in lands far and away from their own. Word of their exploits eventually reached the ear of a powerful warlord in the east, a vicious leader of a hundred thousand horsemen who reveled in the bloodshed of war. The warlord, wishing to test his strength against this band of knights, invaded the land until the young knight and his band were all that stood against him. The two forces met on the battlefield, one numbering just barely over a thousand the other turning the countryside into a black mass of rider and mount, and their battle lasted six days. In the end the young knight stood triumphant but alone, the head of the warlord cleaved from his shoulders but all of the knight's men slain in defense of their leader. As the young knight watched the mounted hoard retreat to their own lands, their innumerable dead left behind like a tumor upon the earth, he decided then and there to abandon his name, his titles and his past. Taking the mantle of Theow, he struck out to make a new name for himself, this time refusing to rely on others lest the same misfortune he experienced in his own land befall them as well.[/hider] [b]Powers/Skills/Abilities[/b]: [hider=P/S/A] [b]Inexorable Strength[/b] - Theow is possessed of strength uncommon in most men and his the six day battle he fought against the mounted hoard of the warlord stands as a testament to that strength. Capable of swinging both of his curved great swords as if they were the playthings of a child, Theow sweeps through the battlefield in a flurry of curved metal and leaves a trail of limbs, fallen trees and obliterated obstacles behind him with more than enough energy to do it again and again and again. [b]Slashdance[/b] - The various wars and battles Theow has been exposed to have give him a unique style of swordplay, as his weapon of choice shows. This experience has also led to him creating a multitude of new ways handle his weapons. Slashdance allows Theow to create a veritable 'shield' around himself by keeping his blades in constant motion, slicing apart projectiles and slapping away blows before they can reach him. Anyone unfortunate to enter the reach of this ability will quickly find themselves torn to pieces. The wear and tear on his blades this skill demands means that Theow rarely employs it's use however. [b]Sundering Blow[/b] - The curved great swords Theow employs are uniquely crafted and designed, each one part of a pair perfectly balanced to compliment the other. These blades also hold a unique design in that they can be wielded, when held correctly, as a singular blade. By utilizing this feature Theow can gather his energy for a finishing strike so powerful it cleaves open the earth it strikes and fells forests with it's aftershock. Theow is entirely open to attacks while readying his strike however and breaking concentration leaves him drained. [b]Martial Prowess[/b] - On the battlefield it's easy to lose one's weapon of choice. The ability to grab an abandoned weapon off the ground and defend yourself regardless of what it is is the mark of a true veteran. Theow, veteran of a thousand battles and a hundred wars, considers nearly anything he can lay his hands on a weapon. With this skill Theow can efficiently utilize any weapon he takes off the battlefield. The downside to this is that he cannot employ the rest of his combat abilities that require his great swords. [b]Rallying Presence[/b] - Theow's presence on the battlefield is inspiring to those around him and injuries they suffer in combat bother them far less than they normally would. As cutting off the head of the snake is a common proverb in battle however this presence also attracts the ire of his foes, making him more often than not the primary target of their attacks.[/hider] [b]Equipment[/b]: [hider=Gear][b]Curved Great Swords[/b] - Each one of these blades is a pair, uniquely crafted to work in unison with a sister blade of the same size, shape, balance, weight and sharpness. Able to withstand insane amounts of punishment and remain sharp through numerous battles it's no wonder Theow's offensive abilities are primarily built around these wicked blades. [b]Jackal Hide[/b] - A nickname given to the armor Theow wears, his 'hide' has turned away projectile, spell and sword many a times before. A tried and tested piece of protective wear that has been with Theow since his creation.[/hider] --- Finally breaking my silence since the old site went down to join this.