[hider=Appearance][img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/357/4/8/shadowrun___svetlana_by_echo_x-d4jyst2.jpg][/hider] Name: Synthia Title: Ms. ic3 Age: 8 Months Personality: Synthia doesn't play by the rules, she does what she wants and nobody's gonna tell her otherwise. She's a loose canon and likes to think she's large and in charge, but she's just plain stubborn; probably a result of the orc blood running thru her veins. But despite her rough appearance she isn't a berserker, she knows when to be cool as ice and smooth as butter. In fact, getting by with words and intimidating looks rather than bullets is one of her skills. Overconfidence is her greatest [s]weakness[/s] strength, her combat strategy usually amounts to "kill everything and look good doing it." Underneath her tough exterior is a gentle side that collects stuffed animals, but nobody gets to see that side of her. Origin Myth: The year is 20XX. Outdated computer chips flow down gutters. Wet city streets are filled with orcs, elves, gnomes, and trolls, looking for their next fix. Gangs form and fight over scraps of territory. If you wanna survive on the streets, you better pack some heat and have awesome hair. Reputation is everything, and the cooler you are the more people respect you. No one messes with Synthia, partly because of her giant shotgun, but mostly because of her outrageous hair and cool motorcycle. Her story is simple: a half orc half elf mercenary that will do any job if the pay is good. What sets her apart isn't the orcish warrior strength or elven ice magic, its the awesome mohawk that needs a little bit of magic and a whole lot of hair gel to stay up. Gangs and groups aren't really her thing since teammates would just cramp her style, but she realizes having backup isn't always a bad thing. [hider=Powers/Skills/Abilities:] Orcish Rage: She doesn't like to use it, but she can enter a blood lust state in which everyone becomes an enemy. While in this state, her attack power and health regen is doubles, and her defense and magic is halved. She will only exit this state once everyone around her is dead. Spell Slinger: She can launch arcane missiles from her finger tips for minor cold damage. Liquid Cool: Uses liquid mana to double the effectiveness of any tech-based device. Also capable of freezing enemies and dealing cold damage. Stare Down: Intimidates/Persuade minor enemies to avoid combat, obtain information, etc. Cool Rider: Sunglasses magically appear whenever she rides a motorcycle. [/hider] [hider=Equipment:] Party Popper: A large shotgun that launches magic imbued projectiles for cold damage. Enemies have a chance of being slowed or frozen. Orcish Kevlar: Armor increases defense and cool-factor. Mana Leak: A dagger make of solid mana, it drains magic and gives it to the user. [/hider] [hider=Theme Song][youtube]WoDVVRHGEBE[/youtube][/hider]