[CENTER][IMG] http://s24.postimg.org/mskv3fbb9/IMAGE.jpg [/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Gravity Mistress[/CENTER][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Marian Dylas [B]Age:[/B] 1 [B]Personality:[/B] One of the things she is best at is lying and, as consequence of that, she has also become a great actress. She uses both of these qualities to advance further in social ranks and in the special missions of Agar Mythos. She is a complete opportunist and one of the most selfish being you’ll ever come in contact with, and you’d better watch your back, because she isn’t loyal to anyone but herself and she’ll probably sell you to the highest bidder within the first chance she gets. She has various personas and each one of them are meant to fool everyone she comes in contact with, as well as tricking them into doing her bidding. It is really rare for someone to get to know her with her actual personality and that’s because she only lets it out when she is sure that no one is around. In the exterior, she may seem as a charismatic young girl that is extremely clumsy, can’t really do anything on her own and is very dependant in others, while in the inside she has become a girl with an unbreakable poker face. Due to the prolonged time she has spent while acting in many different personas, her real self has become emotionless and cold. [hider=Origin Myth] The illegitimate daughter of the head of a rich and powerful family. She was the only daughter and heir of the family, but many would not accept this, mainly because the head hadn’t even married someone and Marian was the daughter of some woman he found drifting somewhere. He was rushed into marriage with whichever girl his family found adequate and Marian was announced as the next heir. It would all have gone well if the other hadn’t opened her mouth. As selfish as her daughter, she decided to not let her have what she had been striving for many years. She let out that Marian was really her daughter, and more of it; she was born out of marriage. After that, the family once known as Dylasiom De Crecendo (Insert French accent here) was shortened to Dylas. Her father then decided to use her as a bargain chip. Marian was dressed with the best garments the family had left and then sent to dances, in the hopes of finding someone who would like to have such a girl for himself. Unsurprisingly, a guy did take interest and bought her. Long story, short, if it hadn’t been for her powers, she would most likely be traumatized and still with her family now. Escaping from the grasp of her buyer, Marian left her family and became a champion, to build up a status of her own and show that she doesn’t need anyone else to stand her ground.[/hider] [hider=Powers] Gravity Control: She can augment or decrease gravity of whatever she wants. This can also be applied in battle by increasing the gravity around someone and putting them down or decreasing it and make them unable to move in the air. She can also ‘solidify’ gravity by putting gravitons together and making the gravitational force field more thicker and actually harmful for whatever it comes in contact with, though using this for a prolonged period of time (1 hour at least) tires her immensely. She can project beams, energy balls and whips of gravity. As well as making the illusion of solidifying gravity, she can also make it gather in one place to make a gravity ‘trap’ of sorts, where people and things is inevitably pulled into. Flight: Modifying the gravity around her she can fly around. Floortilting: She can change the flow of gravity to make it go upwards rather than downwards and make the ceiling the floor and vice versa. (Troll ability for the lolz) ‘Telekinesis’: One of her favourite applications of her ability. She can make the illusion of having telekinesis by making things float and move by modifying the gravity around them. She often confuses others to make them thing this is her true ability, rather than manipulating gravity.[/hider] [B]Equipment:[/B] Just the dress of gothic lolita fashion she wears and other accessories, other than that, she hasn’t any more equipment. [B]Theme Song:[/B] [url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-AxY5SSYZI] Hacking To The Gate] Hacking To The Gate – Itou Kanako [/url] --- Well, here's my CS. :P I think I went a little overboard with power, so I tried to balance it by not giving her any equipment. Just tell me if there's something wrong with this and I'll change it.