[quote=Celaira] Humans generally use their essence to cast magic, I believe, unless you're talking about a magic that Yoshua created called the Art... You'll have to PM him the details because I don't have them at the moment. [/quote] No, that's helpful as I wasn't sure since it's mentioned that Demon and Human magic is different from each other. I didn't know if Humans needed say an artifact or something to help them focus their essence or just could do it themselves naturally. [quote=Mikael] It's okay, Fallen. It's nothing on your part that is the problem, I just don't have a 100% grasp on the stuff, but I'll at least help you find the mates who do.: Although Celaira is definitely the better guide to ask for questions than I. >.< [/quote] Meh, got to love it when a Player knows more about the lore then the GM. XD Also, sending that PM with details and info about that NPC shortly.