[i]Click, click, click-click, click-click-click-click-click, click, click-click-click….[/i] “How’s it coming, Fiedler?” Adam leaned back in his office chair and glanced over his shoulder, smiling sheepishly. “It’s all good, Mr. D,” he said, swiveling his chair more to face the massive man. “That’s what I like to hear, kid,” Mr. Delaware boomed in his super macho-manly voice that emanated from beneath his super macho-manly mustache, “As soon as you’ve finished, why don’t you head on home, son?” “Sure thing. Thanks, Mr. D,” he grinned as the man walked away from the entrance of his dingy little cubical. [i]“Mr. D,"[/i] Adam said quietly to himself as he turned back to face his computer, [i]“Mr. Douchebag. Mr. Dickweed. Mr. Dumbass. Mr. Do-all-my-work-you-shitty-little-intern-while-I-beat-off-to-Celine-Dion-and-continue-to-do-jackshit-around-here....[/i] Ergh….” Fuck. He had obviously been sitting in that damned office chair for far too long. Adam gripped his desk and leaned as far back as he could without tipping over, suppressing a yawn as he stretched his aching back. He only had roughly 20 minutes worth of work left to do, but he wasn’t in any rush to get home. Melissa had been on one lately… and it wasn’t just her PMSing either…. Adam stood up from his chair and started heading towards the water cooler. All but maybe one or two other cubicals still had their lights on and Adam was fairly sure they were only on because the people working there forgot to turn them off. The entire office building was otherwise dark and totally silent, save the distant whistling of the janitor in the bathroom, clanking about as he replaced toilet paper rolls and adjusted toilet seats. It was almost eerie. Nearing the water cooler, Adam pulled a small paper cup from the stack, but paused just before filling it. He heard something rather… abnormal. This was far from Adam’s first and only late night at work before—what with Mr. Delware always dumping his work load on Adam and forcing him to stay late-- but this particular sound was something somewhat familiar, but far too out-of-place to possibly be real. Adam will swear that the intentions of his investigation were by no means perverted, but whether it was curiosity or moral corruption, the noise still led Adam all the way to the office of Mr. Dickweed himself. The shutters around his glass encased office were closed, but the door was slightly cracked open—emitting a low blue light that was most likely coming from his computer screen. “Oh, Greg!” a soft voice moaned seductively. Oh… my… [i]god.[/i] Adam wasn’t sure whether to feel sick or impressed. Did he actually have a [i]woman[/i] in there? He snickered silently to himself. Most likely whoever was in there wasn’t Mrs. Delware, Adam would wager. Wow—what a total dick. Worst boss ever AND a total cheater. How low could you get? He was just about to turn and high tail it to his desk before anyone noticed he was creeping, but before he could so much as move, the door creaked open and a woman appeared, clad in bright red lingerie and a long, heavy petticoat-- which she hadn’t quite buttoned up yet. Adam’s jaw dropped, but it wasn’t for her D-cups. The woman looked like she couldn’t possibly be older than 25 whereas Mr. D, despite his fairly good looks, had to be at least 50. At first Adam figured the woman must simply be a very well-paid prostitute, but what she did next seemed to disprove that idea. The woman brushed a stray strand of blonde hair from her face and stared at Adam apprehensively—like she was scared shitless. She quickly rushed past him, tightly synching her petticoat with her hands as she made a beeline for the hallway. He turned and watched her leave, but she paused just before rounding the corner. “Please d-don’t tell anybody,” she stammered shakily with a frown. And just like that she was gone. “What the hell do you think you’re doing lurking around my office, Fiedler?” Mr. D’s voice sounded from behind him. Adam grit his teeth and turned slowly. The man’s hair looked barely tousled and he leaned up against the doorframe in his beige suit with his arms crossed like nothing had happened at all. “I’m sorry, sir. Uhm—I was just going to ask you if you’d like me to send it to you or Ricky to review once I’ve finished.” “Send it to me, son. Like always,” Mr. D grumped. “Alright, sir. Thank you, sir. Just making sure…,” Adam quickly turned and began walking back to his cubical as quickly as he could without looking like he was running. “Better watch yourself, Fiedler,” Mr. D added darkly just before Adam could clear the corner—caught in the same place that girl had stopped, “You really better watch yourself. Now hurry up and finish that report.” He quickly scampered back to his cubical to finish his work. [i]What the hell was that….?[/i]