[img=http://st.gdefon.ru/wallpapers_original/wallpapers/366478_devushka_magiya_zhezl_2560x1600_(www.GdeFon.ru).jpg] [centre]Name: Ki Kobayashi[/centre] [centre]Title: The Lost Soul[/centre] [centre]Age: One year and one half.[/centre] [centre]Personality: Ki simply doesn't fit in, anywhere. She always feels lost- she's the circle that won't go in the square hole, and all the frickin' holes are square. However, she comes off as an Extrovert. She loves social interaction, and if she goes through extended periods of time without it, she will begin to crave it, going out to search for it on her own. Despite this, she almost always keeps a calm demeanor, inside or outside of battle. She's stubborn, often rejecting instructions by people who have authority over her, doing her own thing instead of listening to those she should, in the end, probably listen to. [/centre] [hider=Story time, yeah?][centre]Origin Myth: Ki, as far back as she can remember, was being taught in the arts of magic by her instructor- Sol. He took the form of her father figure- raising her, being patient with her, and loving her like the daughter he never had. But, as he grew short in sight, hard of hearing- and old in age, he began to truly understand that he wanted to keep living, even if he had to cast behind his empty shell of a body. And so, Sol gave Ki nine Najisefas - teaching her in the art of spirit capture, so that she could capture the souls of those who no longer walk the earth, for the Najisefas. Their home was attacked by a swarm of villagers and several samurai from the nearby village, claiming they were practicing withcraft. Sol sacrificed himself, and, in rage, Ki captured his soul, taking from his power to help her defeat the many samurai and villagers. She then went down to the village, burning it to the ground- and as she did this, Sol spoke to her telepathically. Ki slowly calmed down, realizing Sol was still with her- and with that, she went off the fill the other eight Najisefas. WIP, this is really just rubbish to fill the place of a backstory until I have time tomorrow. [/centre][/hider] [centre]Najisefa: Now, before you read any further, I need to explain the Najisefa, the magical equipments used to channel Ki's energy. They take the form of bladed circles, spiralling with unique intricate patterns towards the centre. The Najisefa is able to control many different aspects of its element, controlled by Ki. Their cores are made of souls from the previous lives of those before Ki, brothers and sisters, wife and husband- each has a story behind the soul. But each one is attuned to its own energy, channelled through the Najisefa and combined with Ki's energy, is a deadly combination.[/centre] [hider=Personal Safety Announcement. (P/S/A)][centre]Powers/Skills/Abilities: [i] Radiant Dawn - [/i] Ki begins to shine brightly, becoming a beacon of light for her Najisefas. They will fuse into the air, forming a large, spherical shield around Ki. However, Ki is very vulnerable while the shield is being formed, and energy is sapped from her body to fuel the shield. But after the shield is up, Ki cannot attack from inside the shield, but can take the time to recover. The shield will change colours, from green to bright red, based on the amount of energy left in the shield before it breaks, deactivating two of the Najisefas at random, leaving the rest sapped of 1/4 their energy. After the shield breaks, Ki will stagger, and have to wait several seconds before the Najisefas come back to her. [i] All for one, and one for all. [/i] This move is, in a sense, a limit break. Once Ki has exceeded all other options and is pushed over the edge in battle, she will use this as her last resort. A great amount of her power is sucked from Ki as she sacrifices it all to her Najisefas. They all fuse together, Forming one sphere, with one core. With her remaining energy, Ki can choose a now tenfold amplified spell from any of the Najisefas to cast on the enemy. This could knock her out for several days. [i] Sol [/i] Sol gathers together all of Ki's emotion at the time, channelling it together with his own power to make a very volatile, explosive substance. It can only be made once per battle, but when thrown, this substance creates a significant blast radius of about three - five feet. Afterwards, Ki is drained of some of her energy. [i] Attunement - Resek & Kesek. [/i] By tapping into these Najisefas, Ki opens up many more possibilites between them - greatly enhancing power with these Najisefas. However, the other ones become weaker- and Ki cannot swap attunements for ten minutes. [i] Attunement - Doristen & Ellisten. [i] By tapping into these Najisefas, Ki opens up many more possibilites between them - greatly enhancing power with these Najisefas. However, the other ones become weaker- and Ki cannot swap attunements for ten minutes. [i] Attunement - Norillet & Sorillet. [/i] By tapping into these Najisefas, Ki opens up many more possibilites between them - greatly enhancing power with these Najisefas. However, the other ones become weaker- and Ki cannot swap attunements for ten minutes. [i] Attunement - Jersuum & Baersum. [/i] By tapping into these Najisefas, Ki opens up many more possibilites between them - greatly enhancing power with these Najisefas. However, the other ones become weaker- and Ki cannot swap attunements for ten minutes. When any attunement skill has been activated, the two Najisefas join together, combining their magics.[/hider]