Hope i'm not to late [img=http://www.dorkadia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/13th-Age-Lich-King-Banner.png] Name: Gaul Keldran Title: The Skeleton-King Age: 1 year Personality: Gaul is a man of conviction who believes that the only true way to prove that one is right is to prove themselves by asserting their beliefs. As such his belief that life is a burden that limits humanity has led him to accumulate a large following of converted former critics. He is uncompromising and rigid in his thought and action demanding the same perfection in his subordinates, as such he does not tolerate failure. He sees undeath as a blessing in which pain is removed and everyone is given purpose as they serve the most capable and powerful. Origin Myth: Gaul Keldran Was the oldest of the three apprentices of one of the greatest magicians who had ever lived. He and his two compatriots had studied under the old man for years and it had been Gaul who had shone the most. He was the best mage, the fastest reader, and the quickest learner. The dimwits who had been his compatriots had paled in comparison to him and it was he who the old man had declared to be his replacement. Then one night some crazy old fool barged in on dinner and started rambling about some ancient prophecy and how the air-headed youngest of the three apprentices was some kind of "Chosen One". After finishing his delusional story the old bastard died and ruined dinner, what was worse was that apparently the crazy hobo was the old mans brother and the old man took him seriously. Gaul was promptly passed up by the old man and the idiot younger boy was made the old mans head apprentice. Suffice it to say that Gaul was displeased by this turn of events, so he did what any very powerful young mage would do when a little drunk and pissed as hell. He opened an ancient book of forbidden arts and turned himself into a Lich. After completing his transformation Gaul decided that he rather liked being dead and made the executive decision the old man and that dumb ass kid that had passed him up needed to be dead as well. So Gaul used his new found power to promptly murder the hell out of the two and turn them into his first undead servants and since then he hasn't looked back. Powers/Skills/Abilities: Raise Dead: Gaul calls into the afterlife and pulls a few spirits into the mortal realm summoning a small collection of undead fighters under his control.(fast but fragile) [hider=Undead Fighters][img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/093/e/6/skeleton_warrior_by_domigorgon-d60bqir.jpg][/hider] Pact of the Grave: Gaul sacrifices some of the spirits under his command to summon a Grave-Lord.(Slow moving but heavily armored) [hider=Grave-Lord][img=http://videogame-art.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/VideoGameArt_DarkSouls_Knight01_MichaelCTY.jpg][/hider] Pact of Shadow: Gaul sacrifices some more souls under his command to summon a Wraith.( Very Fast and can turn invisible but even more fragile) [Hider=Wraith][img=http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/161401/Wraith.jpg][/hider] Pact of Pestilence: Sacrifice some souls to summon a Plague-Bearer.(weak physically but spews debilitating diseases) [hider=Plague-Bearer][img=http://lucas.hardi.org/images/RatOgreHead1.jpg][/hider] Walking Wasteland: Gaul curses the very ground and air around him strengthening his undead and weakening his enemies. Skeletons: Becomes faster, stronger and smarter Grave-Lord: Gains the ability to project an arcane shield around itself and nearby allies Wraith: Prolonged invisibility and they gain the ability to steal their victims life-force with each attack Plague-Bearer: Gains a long range Bile spit attack Shallow Grave: Gauls most powerful spell is to reach into the realm of the dead to drag a recently deceased ally back into the world of the living the blowback from this leaves him unable to use his magic.(resurrect an ally but leaves him unable to cast spells for a while) Equipment: Staff of Skulls: This staff is Gauls most prized possession and is instrumental to his spellcasting. (if lost the number of souls he could summon would be halved and he would be unable to cast Walking Wasteland) [hider=Staff of Skulls][img=http://www.ocostumes.com/htc/15fw8124gs.jpg][/hider] Theme Song: [youtube]XGQn_mD30W0[/youtube]