Now that the mild inconvenience in the form of a giant bear was to Fury’s mind dealt with, he could return to the matter at hand. Settling into a half crouch, right leg back left shoulder forward, his muscles bunched and tenses with energy rocketing around his form. He was facing the region he saw the General fly off into, and was tracking his ZPE through the air, so he knew he could meet him. However, Fury noted his movement almost before the General was moving, and despite the significant speed with which the Hero of Earth moved Fury was able to answer his charge with one of his own. The Fireen bounced forward and up at an angle, driving himself into the air and towards the General. Despite his arrogance, Fury had to admit that presently his foe was both stronger and faster than him, and so something more than brute force was required. Unfortunately, he was given less than adequate time to think of a solution, as he barrelled through the hastily thrown energy beam of the General in a less than satisfactory condition, the fiery heat of it shearing away half the armour on his right shoulder and breaking through his shield. He felt the burn, but Fury was not one to be halted by pain alone. Therefore, the General slammed directly into him with a force equal to both of their respective speeds combined, something in excess of one thousand mph. Fury’s breath left him as energy leapt to strengthen his body, preventing it from being crushed by the titanic impact. Energy blasted in all directions haphazardly, blowing up most of the room and sending chairs and tables flying through every window. Slammed back by the force of the Hero’s charge, but still locked in his tackle, Fury regained his composure enough to make the most of a terrible situation. The General had knocked him back as they flew through the air and out of the building itself, but if he intended to drop the Fireen or not was unimportant as Fury attempted to draw both his arms around the human’s body and tighten his grip to its maximum crushing potential. He clung beneath him, aiming to either break his ribs through sustained force, or to drain enough of his energy that he had to stop, giving Fury time to break free and make his own moves again.