Hopefully I did this right as from what I read from Humans section in the OP, most humans haven't been able to access magic for most of their history however there's a small handful who have. At least that's how I understood it and if that's not the case, then I better make some changes for Emmet's history, namely in the last bit. I just hope I've not gotten carried away and moved a little too far from the world rules and such. Also, it's a bit of read... so you might want to pull up a chair. *places and hides in shadows* [Hider=Emmet Matthews] Name: Emmet Zeke Matthews Alias/Nickname: There’s only 2 nicknames he answers to. One is Sandman, earned through his reputation and given by Darius himself while the other is EZ (pronounced Easy) given to him by his younger sibling. Age: 27 Race: Human Appearance: [center][Img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110903182524/xmenroleplay/images/thumb/5/51/Fantasy_CG_Character_wallpaper_i-chen_lin_20_Smoking_Man.jpg/500px-Fantasy_CG_Character_wallpaper_i-chen_lin_20_Smoking_Man.jpg [/img][/center] Emmet is a human with average built and height of 5’ 6” making him shorter than most men in his line of work under Darius, one of the few Casino owners running Kenan. On his body are a number of scars, most faded to the point they are nearly gone, that are in various places though he’s managed to keep his hands and face almost flawless. After suffering so many broken bones, wounds and injuries Emmet has developed a knack for working through pain as well as healing the fastest a human can in his line of work. Emmet tends to be rather sharply dressed because his boss tends to believe his best workers’ appearances, even the ones behind the scenes, reflect back upon him. Thus for this reason, Emmet wears a white embroidered dress shirt with a propped up collar and large overcoat with an insignia and decorations as seen in the image. The ring is a family heirloom from a past he merely remembers in passing, unable to give it up because of the sentimental value it holds for him. When in high emotion or thinking, Emmet tends to display his age old habit of smoking thus during his job, he’s usually seen with a lite cigarette already between his lips. Social Status: Emmet is considered a lapdog (underling) however he’s not just a mere thug as his accomplishments have aided his reputation, making it clear he knows how to do his jobs and do them well. He tries not to directly tie himself to any certain groups but since Darius is a Casino owner, the Kitsune has to bark when Jesu says so. That’s a fact and it goes down the chain of command for all of Darius’s operation, including Emmet. Relations: Olivia Matthews-His younger, thirteen year old step sister who shares the same father as him and has drawn a certain sense of responsible from him. It’s only to her he is the warm, protective and caring brother who would do anything for his family’s well-being…including kill. She’s never seen his more cold and icy personality, the side where he puts on a mask to do his job and does what he’s told no matter what. A gentle and creative soul, Olivia seems to have a black and white perception of justice which if she knew about Emmet’s situation would cause some serious rift between the two. [indent]*Will likely make a small NPC CS for her since she’ll likely play a big role. [/indent] Darius- Owner of Casino called Sinner’s Luck and a Kitsune demon. His appearance is simple and crisp with its own simple elegance, he has the face, fur and tail of a white fox with bright yellow eyes but his anatomy is that of human. He is known to be a cunning and smooth business man as well as a rather ruthless character to those who fail him. While you do a good job, Darius will take care of you and with greater success comes better rewards. Though most time, namely in Emmet’s case, Darius’s rewards seem more mocking and reminding Emmet of his little leash. To Olivia, she knows him and calls the demon ‘Uncle Darius’ and as far as she knows, Emmet merely works for him doing small jobs. Sadly with Emmet’s ‘small jobs’, his reputation heightens among Darius’s lackeys. With this comes a higher risk and cost, something the human realizes all too easily as Darius fully intends to use Emmet’s power for his devious plans. Juan-A mysterious half demon within Darius’s employment and been an unwanted mentor for Emmet after his powers started to emerge at age 22. Personally, it’s the man’s opinion that the only reason the half demon is around is to keep tabs on him even if he helps with higher level targets and ensures he stays alive. Juan appears to be a dark skinned man with dread locks, however on closer inspection one would note the small, thin red lines running up and down the flesh. Those red lines are magma which pluses under the flesh and breaks through the skin, a trait inherited from his dear old mother. Because of Juan’s relax attitude and strong personality, most people would believe he is the playboy type but not in same way you would think. Juan’s tastes tend to lean towards male companions and his preferences are shown very clearly in his subtle hits on Emmet, who he knows is completely straight. Personally, Emmet thinks the man just gets a crap load of giggles at his reaction to Juan’s flirting and innuendos. General Activity: During his work within Darius’s employment, Emmet started off as a package runner which later progress into money collections and more, each job grew in brutality with his success. However, his best work is quiet assassinations and he’s never failed to complete a mark to date. Depending on the target’s rumored power, Emmet’s both either worked alone or with a variety of Demons or Angels under Darius’s employment. In the last five years his main partner has been Juan. Abilities: [indent]*Note: Until recently, a year ago since the gate broke and Loom became a battle field, Emmet had only been able to access Dehydration and that was to a weak degree. Now his magic power and range has increased to three key areas which are earth based as he uses his Essence to reach out and manipulate it in a 3 yard (9 foot) radius all around him without the magic weakening. The farther the distance, the less power it has because it stretches his Essence’s range to its limit while the shorter the range then stronger it is. Farther more, he’s only able to do one magic at a time due to inexperience. When switching from one to another, say Earth Manipulation to Dehydration, then all affects from the prior magic active instantly ceases. This means Puppets or other creations crumbles and Quakes stop to perform the other type of magic.[/indent] ~Earth manipulation: Due to the versatile nature of his ability to mold the Earth and like elements which are connected to it (Like natural metals, stone, and like), this magic is divided into three basic areas of what he can do with it. This is in no way a completely different ability but rather aspects of what is possible within this one magic. There is one note of importance: the more multitasking Emmet does then the weaker the effects and creations become. For example if he’s got a Puppet out and tries to direct a Quake then the Quake would be weaker than if he casted it alone, in addition the Puppet's abilities are weaker also. [indent]*Quake: Forcing his Essence in a focus point, his foot, Emmet can stomp into the ground and send a shockwave though the earth itself. Depending on the concentration and his intentions, Emmet can make the effect center either on a single target at a distance which creates a fissure right under their feet or a wide range effect that can send any land bound creature within a 9 foot radius flat on their ass. *Earth Puppet: Able to shift earth into a creature of any shape or size, Emmet can either fight alongside or send his creation to fight for him. However this thing is a single command based being with only enough intelligence to carry out its duty independently in a fight and be a combat-able opponent for normal foes. Puppets are divided into 2 types, generic or specialized. Generic have only the basic of moves and combat abilities as small ones tend to have high speed but lack in power, the large ones are versed in their weakness. Specialized however are like the very subject they are based off of with the same strength and speed in the physical sense yet they might lack certain abilities unique to the Race and individual, namely magic. Emmet’s only able to have one Specialized Puppet or 2 Generic Puppets. -Decapitation is an instant kill causing the Puppet to crumble away into dust. *Mold: Similar to Earth Puppet, this aspect of Earth Manipulation isn’t forced on creating a Puppet that can act independently but rather changing the Earth elements around into items or different terrain. Effects can range from creating a rock wall to block an attack direction at him or one of his allies to creating quicksand right under the feet of his foe. However the farther he has to reach with his ability beyond the 3 yard limit then the less effective and weaker his magic is. [/indent] ~Terra Skin: Using his Essence, Emmet can change physically his skin from flesh. He merely has to touch and absorb something Earth based, like non-artificial metal, stone, clay, sand or the like, in order to activate it. His body takes on traits of the material including the strengths and weaknesses. Other than exhaustion, the effect can be cancelled by his own choice, large amount of magical damage, or if he’s knocked out cold. Once he does this, his physical state returns back to its original state before the change with wounds created still present.[/indent] [indent]*This ability is solely for Emmet and can’t be transferred to someone else. Only when he willingly deactivates it is it possible for him not to have to reabsorb the element to once more change his physical state, the other mentioned cancelling options cause him to have to once again reabsorb the element and can put him at risk during the process. In addition, continuous activation of this ability would cause serious exhaustion in long battles so Emmet tends to only use it when he needs it. [/indent] ~Dehydration: Emmet’s Essence can take away water within a body of his target, absorbing like the desert sands does water. Items can easily be dried out, turned brittle or dust depending on how much water is within them. This ability is rather painful as it not only dries out the skin, but also the muscles, nerves, blood and bone around where his hand or hands are touching. Skin to skin contact is fastest while clothing, depending on toughness and thickness, can slow it down by taking the effect’s damage instead. The longer the contact is held then the stronger the effect becomes until the victim becomes completely mummified (takes several hours) or contact is broken completely. The affects are heal able but depending on the length and damage, that might take some time. Equipment: Guns and Roses: A handgun and knife set, named by Olivia, after they were one of Darius’s ‘gift’ for his birthday. Personally, it was a rather bitter gift in his option as it reminded him who held the bargaining chip in his loyalty and what he was forced to do to keep her safe. The pistol is a normal and average, pure black in coloring until you get down to the handle where the Sinner’s Luck symbol in bright ivory and the handle’s bottom is lined by gold. The knife has silver in the blade only as a rose carved with intertwining vines spanning up and down the whole handle below the hilt. [Indent]* He tends to have a silencer attachment on hand whenever he whelms this weapon because loud noise is a killer’s worse enemy while in the city of Kenan.[/Indent] Mr. Matthew’s Journal: A personal recorder written by his own father, within its pages is information about his father’s past and other things. However the characters seemed to be encoded, thus unable to be read by any normal glance and would take years to break without the code’s key. Whatever secrets are locked within is currently inaccessible to Emmet at least. A fourth of the book is empty which allows Emmet to write down what he’s learned about the various Demons, Angels, and other creatures he’s encountered, namely in how best to kill them. [Indent]*Might end up having a plotline with this, other than just being one of your day to day journals you would leave one of your children if you knew one day you would die, but not sure yet. Part of me wants to have details and whatnot about Demons and Angel that Emmet couldn’t have collected himself over his lifespan at his fingertips since his father killed a wide variety of targets within his time. I’m open to any ideas from the GMs and such to be used in a story line however it’s currently on the back burner until farther notice.[/Indent] Personality: Will either add later or show IC, I hate this section with a passion as my PCs never tend to stick with what I write in here… Biography: Emmet’s first really taste of bitter reality happened when he was eleven years old, his mother died as a result of a disease and in her wake left a mourning husband and son. He never got over and that bitterness grew into a hollow feeling, his heart heavy and aching until his stepmother came into his life. The woman was a childhood sweetheart that ended up marrying before his father had the nerve to ask and knew both of them well enough not to be a stranger to Emmet. For the next two years before Olivia’s birth they have bonded like a son and stepmother should’ve, namely since his father was continuously away for most of his life. Unknown even to the wife, Mr. Matthews worked for a Demon named Darius as the hit man named The Coroner because every time he is sent, he leaves a body with a rose calling card in crossed over hands. Very few people know the, save for Darius and the dead victims, connection but if someone was to start investigate then likely the answer wouldn’t be so hard to uncover…sadly, it’s also a chance one would attract some unwanted attention. For the year following to his eighteenth birthday were normal, his life average and free mostly of the struggles within what served for Kenan’s middle class. His mind focused on living his life and moving out, Emmet never knew his father’s bargain with Darius. The very bargain eliminating him from forced employment in a blood bond contract and caused a domino effect that sent Emmet’s life spiraling out of control. Darius himself, escorted by his own hired hands came to his house to deliver the grievous news about Mr. Matthew’s untimely death. It was sound blow on Emmet which signaled the jackal to make his offer of a lifetime employment taking up his father’s void. Naturally things when sour the moment Emmet refused. The Demon still aimed to collect his desired debt with or without the man’s permission. Things turned ugly quickly, Emmet’s temper flared when he saw Darius’s frown then waved one of his men towards a four year old Olivia. His step mother’s first instinct was to step between the monster and her daughter, a deadly idea in the end. The demon backhanded her with extreme force, sending her head against the table with a loud snap to end her life. It happened quickly and before Emmet could consider his action or their effect, his hand was already on a blade and swiped. His wrist was immediately caught in the Demon’s hand but not before he had managed to slice a thin, red line upon Darius’s black skin. The demon seemed as surprised as he was for a moment. Olivia was crying in the background while the two stared at each other. Finally Darius one of the thugs to remove her from the room and wait him outside in the car, the man’s hand jerked only to feel Darius’s grip tighten painfully in warning. Once she was gone, Darius broke his wrist in one movement. Emmet’s scream filled the room even when the Demon pulled him in closely to warn him that if he did anything stupid then his sister would die horribly and her corpse placed at his door step. The last thing he was told, his arm cradled his wrist, staring after the bastard who took his sister was to wait to be contacted in a week. From that point onwards, Emmet worked up from the lower ranks as an Underling in Darius’s operation. In his early years, he ran packages, delivered messages and information and even began money collections for vandalism protection. All this time he was being blackmail by Darius’s threats over his little sister so he never failed a job. From time to time, usually on his time off, Emmet got to spend time with his sister both in public and Darius’s private residence. Emmet no matter where he and Olivia were, they were always being watched closely by Darius’s Underlings just in case he ever tried to make a break for with his sister. His magic didn’t appear until he was 22, Dehydration and a weak magic it was, only able to weaken the hand into a slight mummified appearance. That was enough to disarm his target while he left his mark, ending the man’s life. Things started to change and not for the better. He started to edge into quiet assassination and that’s when he was assigned to work with a half demon, Juan. The blunt of the killing depending on Emmet while he learns the best ways to kill Angels to Werewolves, mostly by trial and error, Juan keeping him alive and human after things go sour. Needless to say, it’s not hard to realize where half his scars and wounds came from. Emmet and Juan were in Loom sometime after the Gate crumbled, shortly after Loom became a war zone around them. If it wasn’t for Emmet’s magic suddenly increasung then likely neither of them would’ve made it out of there alive. Unfortunately with knowledge about his newly grown magic, it was only a matter of time before Darius found out. Things were never the same afterwards… [/hider] [hider=Olivia Matthews ] Name: Olivia Matthews Alias/Nickname: Olive (Despite Emmet knowing the fact she hates nicknames and think she’s too old for one) Age: 13 Race: Human Appearance: [img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-iEGICLzusPE/Unr025eYm8I/AAAAAAAABtY/xayAqDzQlB0/s500/STENT%2520Forum07112013.jpg[/img] Olivia’s height is 5’’5” and weights at 112 pounds, her built slightly twig like and frail looking for someone her age. Most might see her as a delicate little thing but she is far from it. Her skin has a rosy cream color to it and her eyes seemed to cast slight innocent within them, giving them a soft glow. She normally has some type of flower within her light orange hair as a small token from her Uncle or Emmet. Olivia usually has it cut half way pass her shoulder blades. Her outfit is usually what most teens her age wear and dependent on the weather. One of her favorite’s outfits is a colorful, ruffled tank top and either white shorts or slightly worn jeans, ending in blue jean tennis shoes. A pair of sunglasses is clipped to the tank top’s shallow v neck. Social Status: Currently she is the unofficial adopted daughter of Darius, a Kitsune demon, who is one of the most powerful casino owners within Kenan. So she’s rather well off for a bargaining chip. Relations: Emmet Matthews-Her 27 year old brother and employee of her Uncle Darius. She’s only known him as the warm, gentle and rather overprotective sibling during his few visits. Though both her Uncle and Emmet tries to hide it, Olivia senses a slight animosity towards each other that she tries to pretend isn’t there. She thinks of her brother in high regards and will flat refuses to think badly of him until she sees it for her own eyes. Darius- Owner of Casino called Sinner’s Luck and a Kitsune demon. She calls the demon ‘Uncle Darius’ and acknowledges him as her current caregiver, forgetting that horrible event when she was four years old. She seems ignorant about his ruthless nature as he’s hidden away quite well, only his kindness and more father side are displayed to her throughout all of her life. She is unaware of the daily dangers Emmet must face just to keep her safe. Juan- Unlike Emmet, she’s only met Juan ever so often and usually when Darius is around. She doesn’t know much about the man as he only started to appear after Emmet’s 22th birthday but according to Uncle Darius he’s there to help Emmet in his job General Activity: She’s tasked with being privately tutored and living her life as an average pre-teenager. Every Sunday, her and Emmet tend to go out for ice cream which is a tradition she’s been doing since she was young. It is also one of her favorite times she spends with her brother. For the most part, other than the fact she’s well off compared to most teens her age, Olivia has led a pretty normal life. Abilities: Essence Retrace: Unknown to Emmet or even Darius, Olivia has been keeping a deep, dark secret. An ability which started to appear a year ago and only has grown in strength in recent months. Able to sample the Essence of any object, Olivia can slowly piece together its history and where’s been from the item’s point of view. The longer she holds it and focuses, the more she is able to witness able to go as far back as to the item’s ‘birth’. However any affects the item might have or hidden surprises aren’t affected in anyway. Equipment: Personality: Will show IC… and a bit has been told in Emmet’s CS. Biography: For as long as Olivia remembers, Darius has been her caretaker. A father and guardian, her unnatural edginess since she was four long had faded or merely sealed away, as he raised her within his own home. Darius had told her Emmet’s and her mother was killed in a home invasion while he was delivering his condoles for their father’s death, just that day. Her father died in a crash on route to pick a package and Darius said Emmet resented him because he sent their father out. It explained the animosity between her brother and Darius, even when they tried to hide it behind closed doors. Since she was young, Olivia merely went with the follow of things. Darius insisted, despite her protests, that she was homeschooled though she suspected it was more because of loneness then the one sided argument he believe it would be in her best interest. When she hit about eight, he finally gave in to her reasoning and allowed her to attend Kenan Private School where she ended up with a small group of friends. Despite her experience with the better life within the city, she is a common and average girl her age. It started a year ago when her ability kicked in. A friend had bought a thrift shop item, a jewelry box, which seemed to be made from wood and ivory. It was too pretty for her not to touch and the moment she did, a strange and powerful feeling had swallowed her up. Though that touch she saw the item’s whole history from the time it had been fashioned by the kind crafter, delivered as a gift and finally the murder just before it ended up in a thrift shop. Needless to say, Olivia was pale while she told her friend to return it. Since then, she’s been rather careful of what she touches. So far, neither Emmet nor Darius knows about her ‘gift’ as she doesn’t think they would understand what it’s like. Or worse, believe it was inside her head. It wasn’t easy and a few close calls happened when it became stronger but now, she can mostly choose when it happens. There are occasional flares, namely with items filled with a violent or strong emotional history. [/hider]