Name: Zacary Yoxall Age: 22 Sex: Male Hair Color: Black Eye color: Yellow Appearance: [url=]Appearance[/url] Weapon: [url=!Kagenui-ffxii.png]Weapon[/url] Any Armor: What's shown in the picture Biography: Growing up in Bevelle, Zac had heard many stories of the hero who had helped High Summoner Braska bring about the Calm 35 years ago, then again 25 years ago, when Lady Yuna brought the Eternal Calm to Spira. Said hero was a swordsman named Auron. The stories he would hear about Auron fascinated Zac and influenced his decision to follow his example and learn the way of the sword as well. Personality: Unlike his stoic hero, Zac is easy-going, fun-loving, and friendly to a fault. Instead of being as mission-oriented as Auron was, Zac takes his time to 'stop and smell the roses,' as he would say. However, when his friends are in danger, the friendly, carefree Zac completely disappears, leaving behind a ruthless man who would do anything he can to protect his friends, even if it means using his own body as a shield. Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there: Arriving (Sorry I posted in the IC, first. I just assumed that I could go ahead. Again, I apologize)