I am interested =O! Here is my character. Name: Brysen Gray Alias: Catfish, Glitch, No Face Age: 25 Race: Human Appearance: Glitch is a man about five feet and seven inches tall. He wears an oilskin pure white raincoat with black trimmings, white latex pants, knee high white rain boots, white latex gloves, white leather belt with black edge, black metal buckle, and a blank white mask that changes color and shape depending on his mood. Four large buttons tuck in his raincoat at the midsection with wolf fur outlining the base of the hood. His unkempt hair is baby blue, his complexion is fair, and his physique is very good(nearly Olympian without any magic due to his profession as a Runner). Social Status: Runner Relations: RedSparrow (Hacker), WhiteHat(Hacker), Spiffy (Magitek Technician), Wesley Johnson(Private Detective), Rachel Gray (Sister), Otto Grosman (Omnity Contact), No Face(Clone) General Activity: Reconnaissance of local areas and people of interest. Abilities: [Power] Electromagnetism Glitch is talented user of electricity. His powers include heightened reflexes by charging up the electrical connections in his nerves, a passive static field around his body that allows him to sense the location of nearby objects(distance he can sense varies in location due to the earth’s magnetic field. Typically he can sense everything moving within twenty feet), creating the illusions by manipulating light(holograms), shooting electricity, and manifesting physical objects with electromagnetism. [Power] Electromagnetism - Manifesting Physical Objects The objects created have a noticeable static field that will turn one’s hair upright if touched. This can also be used to project clones of oneself that can act independently as electrical signals from the user’s brain are copied onto the clone. Reversely, these clones and Glitch can also pass information through an electric shock to one’s brain. The strength/durability of the objects created by this power is equal to the amount of essence used to create them.. [Power] Electromagnetism – Memory Dive Glitch and his clones are able to dive into the minds of people by synchronizing the electrical signals of his brain to that of his intended target through touch. While simple information such as a phone number or password can be passed on with a simple electric shock. Experiences such as how to operate a nuclear submarine, how to speak a foreign language, and past memories must be imprinted through a memory dive. A memory dive is a technique used to locate where specific information is stored in person’s brain. This is important as memories changes must be placed in the right place in the brain otherwise it will cause confusion to the target when they try to recall information.(etc…seeing pictures of cute dogs when they try to remember how to speak German). The technique connects the user’s consciousness into the targets subconscious. Once connected the user can coax the location of the information by showing the target mental images, references, objects, past memories, and experiences to make the person remember what it is the user wishes to know(thereby lightning up the part of their brain where that memory is stored). Once the user finds the location they can manipulate the person’s memories by changing the electrical impulses between those nerves. The user may also take memories from people and imprint that to themselves in the reverse order. The only downside to this technique is that a person’s brain eventually “corrects” these changes to their brain over a few weeks. Meaning any knowledge gained through this must be “relearned” through another memory dive until it becomes a permanent memory. Memory changes can also be forcibly undone by shocking the person with a strong electric shock. [Skill] Hacker Spend enough time on the internet and you eventually learn how to crack the toughest of systems. Glitch is a masterful hacker that goes by the alias “Catfish”. Equipment: [Artifact] The Laughing Mask An mysterious artifact from a time long since passed. It takes the shape of a white blank mask that cannot be removed once placed on someone’s face. The mask itself changes shape and color based on the mood of its user. There are no slits for the eyes or mouth, but the user is still able to breathe normally. It has no magical powers of its own besides what has been mentioned, but if one were to gaze deeply into the mask it is said to show the onlooker something truly terrifying. Personality: Will Show IC Biography: Known: Very little is known about the enigmatic masked runner known as Glitch. A few years ago information about him had wiped from the Omnity database, effectively making him the subject of rumor and speculation. However, it is known that a mysterious masked persona often rendezvous with important figures in Kenan. And that Gospel Militants often mysteriously disappeared in the same region never to be seen again. Not Known: Under the pseudonym Catfish, Glitch has a wide information network, having infiltrated many security systems in Kenan. He has eyes and ears on one-third of the security systems in operation with another one-thirds being monitored by fellow hackers WhiteHat and RedSparrow. His rogue clone No Face also roams the city through the electrical cables, using the city’s power lines to sustain its transient existence. At the moment the two have an uneasy truce with Glitch being uncertain on the true extent of his creation’s intentions.