[b]Alias:[/b] The Insightful Crown [hider=Beringer Kron Appearance] [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/015/7/2/techknight_by_jnickblack-d72dp4c.jpg] [/hider] [center]-[b]Beringer Kron[/b]-[/center] [b]Age:[/b] 1 year of age (Kind of that middle-age area, right?) [b]Personality:[/b] [quote]Often bored, many of his traits seem extremely subdued and he never leaves a sleep-like state. Even in combat he appears lazy and only makes an effort when he has to. Not much of a man of words he might as well not even exist where he is present, that is, unless he gets bored enough to stir things up, often between numerous other champions. Manipulative and withdrawn, he holds no malice for anybody, yet would tell a secret in a heartbeat simply to see how things unfold. To a certain extent, he looks down upon those around him as obnoxious, thoughtless, out of control lesser beings, though he himself has always been a mediocre champion. Not a very popular or likable character by any means, despite being charismatic in speech (When he says anything at all), his actions are both abrasive and inconsiderate.[/quote] [b]Origin Myth[/b]: [quote] Not all that much is known about Beringer besides the fact that he does not speak on his behalf and he keeps to himself unless excessively bored. Despite that, rumors circulate that he was created under a notable hacker, who had focused entirely on his empathetic and reading abilities. When his owner was dismayed by his results on the competitive field, he was sold to a corporation, who mainly utilizes him as a way to gain any conceivable information via other Champions. Thus, most are wary of him and will not talk to him, especially competing corporation Champions. As for his back-story, his owner may never of even gave him one, creating Beringer for practical reasons.[/quote] [hider=Powers/Skills/Abilities] [list] [*][b]Window Shopping[/b]: Beringer is able to read minds and memories, under certain conditions of course, he must have a direct line of sight of the cranial area. He has a limited distance of 100 meters before distortion sets in, bringing with it false thoughts and memories.[/*] [*][b]Analyses:[/b] Able to approximately predict the abilities and uses of a champion in the means of proctoring what they are capable of based on their physique, mental capacity, and cellular structure, this requires direct contact.[/*] [*][b]The Subconscious[/b]: If contact is maintained long enough with the target vessel via the Gauntlet to hack it, he is able to induce the remembrance or fabrication of memories, thoughts, or ideas.[/*] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Equipment] [*][b]Nerve Regalia Armor:[/b] Intertwined closely with Beringer himself, the armor never comes off, whether it is possible to remove the armor at all is still in question to even Beringer himself. The Regalia does a great amount of analyses, often acting before Beringer can whilst reading the movements of the targeted opponent, due to multi-core processing, calculation times is barely reduced with multiple opponents, though, the millisecond can be essential, it still has a maximum target capacity of 8.[/*] [*][b]Ice-Pick:[/b] Despite it’s name, it is actually a sword, seemingly used in coherence with the Nerve Regalia Armor, it is simply an extension of the armor itself, thus coordination is never an issue unless the armor is interfered with.[/*] [*][b]The Gauntlet:[/b] The effective USB Drive of the Nerve Regalia Armor, it can allow for a great amount of transfer in data between the armor itself and anything it touches[/*] [/hider] Theme Song: [quote][youtube]HVpY_qIPM34[/youtube][/quote]