[center][b]Royal Blood - Rayvon and Ceann[/b][/center] --- Rayvon pauses for a moment on her preparation to leave when new information begins to stumble out. Her lip curls ever so slightly as she fights back an irritated sneer. Raising a hand to her head, she gradually works down to simply shaking her head. So far, with talks of a ghost, these strange fiery arrows and the glyphs things were a mess. As well, it would seem Penelope herself was a mage, only adding to things. With a cough, she steps forward when Auric fails to answer Penelope. “If you wish, you can accompany Ceann, Mikan and myself. I mean no offense to the men, but I would like a chance to talk with you myself. I promise I am not... Quite, as abrasive as I can appear.” Penelope doesn't seem too certain as to whether or not to go with them. She looks at Auric one more time before sighing and nodding. "One way or another... So long as I am away from here, for a while." She then looks at Rayvon and seems to return to her more quiet nature, looking back down at the floor. She moves closer to Penelope's side, ducking down enough to try and catch Penelope's gaze. “Perhaps I have been gone from home too long, it upsets me to see another as downtrodden as yourself. Perhaps some fresh air and company will do you well? While...” for a moment, she holds the strangest urge to sing her next words, “We're off to see the wizard?” She barely fights it back, her eyes cast sidelong at Mikan. Perhaps it was that woman's painful exuberance that seemed to ooze from her very being getting to her. Mikan giggles and sticks her tongue out at Rayvon like a child would. Penelope continued to evade the gaze of the damaged woman, though. It seemed that she wouldn't be magically won over... That, or she was being stubborn. Mikan taps her foot impatiently. Ceann tries to give a comforting smile and nods, joining Rayvon, nodding to Penelope. "We can be good company and fresh air will do most people a world of good, especially if they might have been cooped up inside for so long." In a cage of stone and wood she almost added but refrained from doing so. "We can ensure your protection of course beyond these walls if you would like to accompany us." She said instead. Rayvon chuckles and nods, “That we can.” She bows at the waist, offering out a hand, “If Her Majesty would excuse my insolence, would you please join me for a stroll?” She turns back at Mikan and cannot help but stick her tongue back out in turn. “Maybe Ms. Greenfox will delight us with a grande comedic display as well.” Penelope looked at the whole display with a bit of confusion. It just seemed so... Forced. Almost like someone forced them to do it, at such a pace even as to shame even a tempest. Alas. She manages a small smile, and grasps Rayvon's hand. "I agree to your terms, if you will tell me of Renalta while we walk." She smiled, eager to get out of this confining place and follows the both of them, walking on the other side of Penelope. "I can join in with tales of other lands, for I cannot tell much of Renalta, I was still much of a stranger there when I arrived. But I have wandered far and wide so as I said, if you wish to hear of places besides Renalta I am happy to provide with such tales. From the Free Holds, the Kingdom of Tuleria and from Rheinfeld is where I traveled the most." “Oh, but one thing at a time, Ceann...” she draws herself upright, leading Penelope gently, “There is much to talk about on our trip.” As they start to clear the throne room, she looks sidelong at the princess, “So, perhaps to make this fair... We should take turns. Ask a question, we will answer... And then we will ask one. Does that sound fair, Lady?” "... Well... Okay." She almost seemed nervous with answering more questions, but sighed and went with it anyway. Mikan on the other hand had an auspicious silence about her. She looked off in the direction Xavier had gone. "Hm..." Penelope looks at Ceann and Rayvon. "... Is Renalta... Really ruled by two queens? That are actually... Married?" Her eyebrows shoot up at that question. How could Penelope not know, she thought it was the job of royalty and politicians to be well informed of their nearby 'threats.' “Actually, yes. Queen Kouri and Alexandria. Kouri seems far more natural when it comes to truly ruling and, well, being political. She is... As beautiful as the legends say, truly.” She hesitates for a moment, “Alexandria can be far more brash, or so I hear...” She looks at Penelope, gauging her reaction with her next words, “They are a well loved couple in Renalta... Though, I think their children, the twins, are even more loved at times.” "Ah..." She says under her breath. "I... Don't get out of Liveria... Much... At all." She voluntarily says as Mikan interjects on her behalf. "Liverian nobility and royalty take great care not to let their children be affected by outside influences until they reach adulthood." She blinked, surprised at hearing this but then mulled it over, she had no memory of her own childhood or how she was raised but then, it stands to reason that every country in the world had their own methods of raising their children. But keep them confined from the outside world and what lay beyond the borders just seemed so.. .strange to her. She just kept listening, she was learning more herself with what she was hearing now. Rayvon's lips twitch into a weak expression, “Of course. I had nigh forgotten so much of the customs here, it has been so long since I practiced any of them...” She shakes her head sadly, “I would have thought you an adult by now, though. Perhaps you might accompany us to Renalta after all this. It would be a good I think. Mayhaps some of the tension between the kingdoms might alleviate...” Her hand tightens lightly at that hope. “Ah, but I believe it is our turn for a question...” She looks around, checking there are none about before inquiring, “Have long have you been gifted as a mage?” "Not gifted... Trained... Hard." She says, pride apparent in her voice. "Five years ago is when I began training." After a moment of concentration, she manages to summon a small spark of flame, but only for a brief moment. Even then, it was apparent that her "mastery" over fire was quite limited. "What is Renalta, the capital, like? Is it quiet like Liveria?" Smiling, Ceann answered, "No, the people there seem... alive and joyful to be so, the streets are simply alive with people, either travelling through or going by the merchant stalls. I arrived at the capital just as markets were opened, so many people wandering about, talking, laughing. It was just alive." She chuckled, "Truth to be told, at times one would crave silence so I was happy to be allowed to travel here with the Queen's blades." Though this oppressing silence was also getting to her now. There was also a flash of a thought when she saw the flame in Penelope's hand, but she had to think on it further. Rayvon smiles slightly, raising a hand and letting a dance of holy light dance across her hands, “I've some training myself, albeit, this sort comes a little naturally to me. I'd be hopeless to try anything with fire...” she listens to Ceann quietly, “Its such a stark contrast, one could hardly believe the two are neighbors sometimes.” She blinks, “I remember one day, they were holding a festival. I can't remember what it was, but everything was so vibrant and merry.” She hesitates for a moment before asking her next question, “Princess... Have you...” she looks side-long at Ceann, uncertain to be asking this, before biting her lip, “Have you word of my mother?” She blinks in confusion. "No, I do not know you... My father might know that sort of thing, I have only training in how to handle the affairs of state, no official experience." She frowns, withdrawing her hand, “Oh, I had hoped you might know her fate... She is... was a witch hunter.” Rayvon rubs along her cheek, “Perhaps when this is all sorted out, I might ask the Crown-Prince... It is your question again, I suppose.” She frowns. "What was your mother's name?" Rayvon furrows her brow before answering quietly, “Adylaide... Adylaide Krayvitch.” "I see..." She says. There was no hint that she knew anything personally. "I could try asking my father later... When he is not engrossed in the advisor's company." A genuine look of anger follows. “Pardon my intrusion, but why does this advisor stir such disfavor from you? In fact, there is much about this advisor that does not add up, at least to me. Would you be so kind as to enlighten us?” she asks, a hand cautiously reaching to place reassuringly on the princess' shoulder. "A woman that appeared some time ago, with... Golden skin, like that of desert people." Well, at least she was aware they existed. "Many things... Do not add up, as you say. She came from nowhere. I have no idea what her previous life was or why a complete foreigner has been allowed to stay." Already it seemed that Penelope was frustrated. Perhaps that was why her fingers started to glow red... Rayvon looks at her more seriously, eyes hardening for a moment... Before noticing the fire. “Penelope... I do believe it is your turn. Have you another question of Renalta or Kouri?” "... Not right now... Maybe later..." It seemed the advisor was an especially soft point... Perhaps it was time to move on and give her some space for a while. Rayvon hesitates before moving quickly to get ahead of Penelope, walking backwards to look her head on. “I've some worries, Princess... And, I would actually like to try something, if you would indulge me.” "... What would you like to try?" Penelope says with a mixture of curiosity and caution. The aasimar looks at her, a brief moment of embarrassment crossing her face and tinting her cheeks, “You can see I am part angel, yes? There is, something my father once told me of. A... A breath, he called it. That could help those in need.” "I... Ah... Hardly know you." Penelope says, recoiling away from what was most assuredly a strange request. She furrows her brow before nodding, turning away, “It was not a move on my part to elicit inappropriate contact, my lady. I am just concerned of foul play.” "...explain." Penelope asks, in a manner reminiscent of her father. Rayvon adjusts her gauntlet before sighing, “This mysterious woman from foreign lands appears out of nowhere and appears to have set herself high up in the chain of things without to much as a trouble. All with your father apparently assisting her instead of the other way around. Furthermore, all this happens... It leaves many a loose ends. My concern is that there may be some corrupting influence affecting your family, and I intended to remove such shackles, should they be there... Merely a foolish thought, perhaps. But I would rather spill breath on the side of caution than ignoring such possibilities.” Penelope blinks in confusion. She had no idea what this woman meant. "... But how can you remove corruption?" She asks curiously. She hesitates for a moment, trying to work it out in her head, “That breath I told you about, in... relinquishing some of my own, I can draw out the corruption, taking it into myself...” Rayvon indicates over herself, “Part angel, remember? It should not affect me as much.” Mentally she adds on, 'I believe.' Penelope thinks it over for a moment, biting her lip as she mulls it over in her mind... Eventually, however, her Livarian nature proves stronger than her curiosity. "No. It can wait until later, possible, but not here. Not now. I simply don't know you well enough to trust you." Nodding, Rayvon answers, “Understood, Princess. 'Twas a foolish idea anyways.”