“Do you know what my life was like, Fion who isn't myself? Because I don't know myself, yet I know you.” Fion rose an eyebrow at this. What her life was like? She knew him? Trying to work his way through the girl's speech, he assumed that she apparently knew what his life had been like. But she didn't know her own? If anything, this just reinforced the theory that this entire sequence of events was just some kind of odd hallucination. Still, might as well humor her and see how this plays out. She might not even end the dream by trying to eat him this time. "Honestly, all I know is that you're a girl who keeps showing up in my dreams where everything's on fire and you eat my face off. So there's that." Eating his face off? That was...huh. She never considered that before. It was odd as well, why she didn't need to eat food, unlike this male Fion. Did she not get angry? Or was she not the same type of human as himself? Food and water should be vital, but she didn't feel like she needed it. The woman thought for a moment, before wondering about another thing. A curious concept that she had gleamed from his memories and knowledge. "Are you actually a man?" To this, Fion could only sigh. This nonsense again. Thanks to his usage of Sword Arts, he couldn't go a week without being confused for a woman. Then again, it was why he gave Riley so much shit for looking like a young boy. Spreading the love just amused him. Unfortunately, thinking of Riley caused him to shift his eyes towards the stump that was once his right arm, and he quickly shoved those thoughts to the back of his head as he stared back at the girl. "I'm pretty sure I am." And with a wry grin, his hand went down to his pants. "Do I have to show proof?" "You lack Sword Skills, even as a man. You already have a penis, because that too is prominent in your memories." And those facts meant nothing. The bigger question was why he was unable to use Sword Skills. As Fion thought to herself, she began to gleam into other questions. He had a left arm, and she had a right arm. He was unable to use Sword Skills, even though other male Sword Arts users simply focused on Sword Arts because it was their specialty, not because they were unable to use Sword Skills. "So I'll ask you again. Are you actually a male? Or are you just something else inside a male body?" Huh. That was actually a good question. Fion had known the individual facts that she'd just listed off, but he'd never really thought on the deeper reason behind it. If he hadn't lost his left arm when he was a child and had that girl's arm attached to his body, would he have been able to use Sword Skills? Or would he still have been as he was now? Fion knew that he should probably be more concerned about the girl's question, but it honestly meant nothing to him. "To be honest, I have no idea. I might just be what you said, a woman in a man's body, but I could care less. I have a male's parts and I think I'm a male, so I might as well be a male. Shouldn't that be enough?" "If you're the woman though, who's the man?" Then, she stopped. "And what does that make me? What does that make of the left arm that I don't have, and the right arm that you don't have?" Her features were slowly distorting, sharpening, widening, a smile with too much teeth and not enough happiness appearing. "What would happen if I regained what was missing? And what would happen if you completed what you were missing?" A sword, no, a smaller, thinner version of Fion's own scimitar began to appear in her hand. "And if you aren't what you are, then what does that mean for Riley?" "And here we go..." Fion grumbled under his breath, somehow unsurprised as the girl's smile became toothy and menacing. Clearly, something was wrong with his mind if his subconscious kept trying to actively murder him in his dreams. And at this point, he was sick of this bitch. Maybe if he killed her now, she'd finally stop appearing when he slept. "You want my arm?" He grinned in a mirror of the girl's, drawing his scimitar in his left hand before leveling it at her. "I think I'll take yours instead." The brunette's smile widened in response, her face expanding and expanding until it covered up the entirety of the world. Then, as simple as that, she swallowed the world whole. ___ Fion opened his eyes, wincing as the sunlight burned spots into his vision. Yawning, he scowled as he recalled what he had just woken up from. Another damned dream where the same girl ate him. This one had been far more involved than previous ones, but it still ended the same way. And then he noticed his head was resting on something very comfortable. Stretching his head back, he saw Riley's face looking down at him. Oh. So he was in her lap. Huh. Staring blankly at her, Fion eventually uttered one word. "What." "Morning, Fion." Then, Riley smiled in a beautifully feminine manner, brought her hands over his eyes, and promptly crushed his eyeballs. ___ Fion opened his eyes again, looking up at the familiar ceiling of his room. Sitting up, he stretched both of his arms, yawning as the familiar visage of Richard entered his room, clutching a steaming mug on a serving tray. "Good morning, young master. I've brought you hot chocolate." At this, Fion frowned. He hated hot chocolate, and Richard knew this. "What." Then, Richard smiled in a beautifully feminine manner, lifted the mug above Fion's head, and poured the flesh-melting liquid over him. ___ Fion awoke with a groan, opening his eyes to the morning light as he looked down towards his right arm, where only a stump remained. Narrowing his eyes, he silently stared at the stump for a moment before taking a look at his surrounds. "...Where am I now?"