[center][b]Sarah's Request[/b][/center] [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/1215/posts/ooc?page=1#post-12648]Eins Nimgrud[/url][/center] --- The portcullis opened without too much trouble. To be honest, she had expected it to be stuck halfway or just creak without really moving much.How old exactly was this place and who was maintaining it? It was a bit strange to see there were two levers for the entrance however. It was like seeing a door with two knobs. Perhaps one was for opening and one was for closing it. As she took a step forwards, a glint of metal caught her eye. Yellow metal, gold, the currency of the realms. A grin lit up her face immediately, though she suppressed it just as quickly. Why she was just far enough ahead of the group to quietly pick up the bag without them noti- "Armor lady! Eins! Stop! People who go on ahead of the rest of the group always end up setting off traps or waking up monsters. Come help us deal with these dwarves, then we can keep moving ahead safely together." Bollocks. The ranger noticed her. And to be honest, she was safer with monsters surrounding her than with those two spider worshiping, dirt eating, manky drows. It was a pity he was ignorant of drows and their dark ways. Eins would have just picked up the gold, and just tried to bluff her way out if anyone asked, but her attention strayed away from the glint of gold just long enough to notice what was in the room beyond. Some sort of circle with shapes on the floor, a mirror just behind it, and the dead dwarf. A dead dwarf covered in webbing. A large monstrous spider lurked somewhere, one powerful enough to hold out against a dwarf. She picked up the gold bag as discreetly as possible, before replying back at the ranger, "Just a moment, I need to investigate this room and make sure its safe." Edging into the room slowly, she held her sword at a diagonal to the ground, ready to make a quick move should whatever killed the dwarf suddenly attack. She moved over to the mirror, ignoring the circle drawn on the floor as she did so. The dead dwarf may have something that might help them on this errand of theirs.