The bear sat there for a minute or so, rubbing at his cheek and letting out low grumbles of frustration. It was more than evident that Sukoh would get hurt if he stuck his head back into the building that he was going to get hurt. So, instead of getting himself killed because two men are having a petty squable he occupied himself with their callous waste of human life. Sukoh leaned forward and planted himself on all fours again, he started shuffling about and sniffing at the various corpses and wounded in the area. It was not a pretty sight. Whichever one of them was evil, if not both of them, evidently didn't care at all for the lives of those around him. The first body he found was actually a survivor, writhing in agony as his leg had been caught underneath the rubble from the building. This may have been Sukoh's fault, but he was unaware. With his nose he shoved the concrete slab away from him and poked at his wounded leg. It might not recover, but he could at least make it feel a little better. His enormous tongue slid out of his mouth and he licked the wound of the man. Freshly reborn his mouth was full of clean saliva, almost completely sterile. The warmth would help the pain a bit but Sukoh could help no further. Turning his attention to a small group of people who had been crushed in a bus accident he sniffed them, they were clearly dead. No breath was leaving them. Sukoh sighed and ripped the roof from the bus. This next part may seem morbid but it has a purpose. The great bear parted his teeth and plucked the men and women out individually, and carefully swallowing them one by one. It took a little while but he swallowed each and every one of them. In his animal speak he muttered a few words to the lost souls. "Grrnn, nnarru rarrarr. Nnngghh harrarr ruuurrr." Translated he spoke to them, a prayer of peace. "With Sukoh's consumption your deaths have purpose. Rest well poor soul."