Queen Avaline: The Queen sat apon her throne as she did everyday, the day was slow so she asked her servant to fetch her a book she may enjoy. When the servant returned she simply lay across her throne, she was tiny compared to the giant throne. She saw Jurano and Maria come and go throughout the day and was happy that they got along so well. Later on though her sons best friend and one her commanders Kort Greh arrived at the foot of her throne. "What's up Kort?" She said, she acted almost like a teenage girl. He groaned in annoyance at how she addressed him but she didn't care. Kort Greh: When he stood up at the throne he groaned at how the queen addressed him, he couldn't say anything openly though so he kept his opinion to himself. "My majesty," he said bowing. "We have reports of Light movements, we suspect they plan on attacking the main city. Tomorrow." The serious look on his face only grew. "I will require Juranos assistance for this, apparently they plan on sending in Avantina and Koat Light-Bringer to the fray. Plus I think he'll want to get out and do something entertaining." he said walking towards his room. King Kurova: After putting on his little charade for his children, acting like a caring father, he returned to the war room. "LISTEN UP, Koat is leading the next battle, I don't care about what plans have been placed. You are to follow her every order, is that understood?" He asked his commanders with his over demanding tone. When he didn't receive an answer he nodded his head in reply "REEN OCLA! REPORT TO ME NOW!" he yelled "Go find Koat and tell her that she is to attack today." Reen Ocla: When Reen was summoned by the King, she hastily made her way into the room. When he told her to report to Koat she ran full sprint out of the castle and found her with Avantina and Ryan. "My princess and prince, sorry for the interruption but his highness wishes you to procceed with the attack right this very instance." She looked over at Ryan and scowled, she hated him for no reason with every bone in her body. "And i suggest you pick valuable comrades to join you." she said half grinning.