Alright you little buggers. My apologies for doing things a bit later. I've been busy and my internet was down this morning. Mika and myself have looked at all the current CS's with decisions and such. I will basically give you a yes or no answer with maybe some half-assed sardonic wit in an attempt to reinforce how [i]cool[/i] I am (I am super cool btw) And Mika will give you guys a bit more in depth discussion about your character down below. "Hey Slade, seems like you're doing all the easy stuff while Mikael is doing all the hard work" My rebuttal to that is.... shut up Anywho, before I do the CS's let me state one thing first. At some point I want to put in an Angelic Remnant faction. The reason I haven't done this is because there are veterans who are more experienced with that part of the world than I am (all my characters are Human, that is pretty much my niche in this whole thing) and I wanted one of those players to represent the Angelic Remnant faction within their characters. In this regard the Veterans whom I would think best for the job would either be Wild Wind herself or Yoshua, at the moment I'm definitely leading towards Yosh due to his character kinda just set up to take this thing by the horns. Now the information in regards to Angels that you have seen on the website graciously made for us by Cel is something written pre-season 1. The Angels described [url=]here[/url] are from When the Angelic Council still ruled the world and still were "taking care" of Humanity like a kid brother. These days, the Angelic Council has pretty much collapsed, with a large portion of the leadership either killed or absorbed in the Sword that Judas carries within him. They are completely unable to perform their original functions as watchdogs over mankind and can barely keep tabs on their own kind anymore. Rogue Angels are a thing and Guardian Angels aren't the most relevant thing in the world anymore on "official" levels. Not to say you can't play as one. I can see an Angel saving a human and being like "yo i'm protecting you and stuff dawg". Plus you know, second war with Demons plus Gospel killing as many of their kind as.... [i]humanly[/i] possible (I'm so cool) Which reminds me of my opener in the IC. I already got a basic setup for it, and its not pretty. #Angelsgetrekt Anywho, but that is for a little bit later. i still have to get my own CS's up as do a few more people. So have patience young padawans Lets get To CS acceptance stuff Solus Grim (Synthorian) -Accepted Domino Black and Fang (Krauxis)- Accepted Lisara (Celaira)- Accepted [insert pun about dogs] Zi Wallace and Darren Winsor (Wild Wind)- Accepted Szayeis, Saella Lasari & Kenen Vax (Yoshua) Accepted, powerful characters. but still keeping in line with the world setup and stuff Mary & Luciana (Rtron)-Accepted, though I wonder where Lucien is Tristan Locke (Vinsanity)-Accepted Emmet Zeke Matthews (Fallenreaper)-Accepted, just keep in mind what we discussed over the PM Brysen Gray 'Glitch' (Glitchy)- Not Accepted quite yet, we have some of those electro abilities that need to be discussed.Thankfully, we have a team of professionals here that can help you with that. MamariƩ Jeanne La Fleur (februari)- Accepted, I was told that the team of professionals mentioned above helped you out a bit. Good to hear.