Here's my take on the CS approval process ----- page 1. Solus Grim (Synthorian): I approve. Just as long as he doesn't try to turn Solus into a walking battle cruiser with all dem weapons. page 1. Domino Black & Fang (Krauxis): I approve. I'm not sure what is meant by 'shielding and defensive' magic (back in Season 1, my GA Caeldrin just had that damage transfer thing, telepathy and empathy to Aeris, sharp wings, and a briefcase with silver bolts and pistol-crossbows). I find Fang's guardian angel evolution for teleporting to a charge's side interesting and sensible. We discussed it in skype. She'd do so at the cost of temporarily disabling that auto-protection on Domino. page 1. Lisara (Celaira): I approve with an astounding woof. page 1. Zi Wallace & Darren Winsor (Wind Wild): I approve of Zi. As for Darren, it'll be interesting to see a Weather Angel tied to Loom be played out. At the moment, Darren's abilities are still [WIP] and so, not approved. page 1. Szayeis (Yoshua): ... well here we are. No need to worry about the Old One. As for Szayeis himself... I approve. He is a 5000 year old demon. Should be powerful. But Yosh should continue to display decent sportsmanship, but I do think he needs to work on his presentation, which often leads people to think Szayeis is all powerful. He's not. page 1. Mary & Luciana & Lucien (?) (Rtron): I approve of Mary, but that Abyss ability is a bit scary. Hey, that rhymes! Luciana is still a WIP and I don't see Lucien atm. I'll have to look more in depth at Rtron's CSs when they're finished. page 2. Tristan Locke (Vinsanity): I approve. =D page 3. Emmet Zeke Matthews (Fallenreaper): A very interesting character. I approve, as long as Terra Skin doesn't turn Emmet into a hulking rock golem or something; hardened skin should be skin-deep. Lawgick~ But yes, I find Emmet to be a very balanced character. page 4. Saella Lasari & Kenen Vax (Yoshua): hmm... Saella didn't get much screentime last season, but given her focus on unlocking her past lives, she's a bit more powerful than when I last saw her, especially her tamer abilities. But it's in the lore: angels who unlock more past lives approach archangel power. I would expect someone who puts all of their points into physical battling to be better at fighting than Saella. Yosh can't say on one hand that she's no pro at swordsmanship but then use her tamer abilities to turn her into one (because she can sense actions before they happen somewhat). Let's see, her army of demons... all very powerful physically and such, but I look forward to seeing them die in battle. The one I'd keep an eye on is Unlight. Anyway, approved, and Kenen Vax approved as well. page 4. Brysen Gray 'Glitch' (Glitchy): Not approved until those electro abilities get limiters and are toned down. Everything else looks great. Glitchy, the vets and I have discussed the problems and will share them with you when we can. Don't be disheartened. page 4. MamariƩ Jeanne La Fleur (februari): Very intriguing character. Refreshing, actually. We've helped Feb with the Loa bit: they're not spirits, just very elusive demons. I would like to see the voodoo magic a bit explained, but it's okay. Approved