[quote=Genkai]I like it, though by the "Only one hue can be conjured by a single person at any instance." line, should I assume he can only throw say, blue the entire battle? Or should the colors themselves only be able to conjure when other certain colors are in play? Ex: You can't use red and then green. But you could use red and then blue? I'm just thinking out loud here. XD [/quote] Actually you're right, now that i re-read it the meaning is sort of ambiguous, if not incorrect. What I meant was the person with this weapon can only conjure one colour each. Example being one blue, green, red and/or grey, but not two reds or two blues while the colour exists; it cannot be placed again until dissipating [or in red's case, after exploding]. Honestly I wanted to start with four(?) primary colours and make them have different effects by merging or mixing the colours together but that seemed unnecessarily complex. I'll edit that part and then add to the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/4817/posts/ooc?page=3#post-461170]original CS[/url] on page 3.