Once inside, Hikari had a full view of the luminescent blue swamp lake that spread out so far that couldn't see the edge. What she did see was rope tied to the top of a tree which hung over the blue bog, an island opposite her, and someone in the other side. "Help! I'm stuck!" said a voice on the other side. Hikari didn't hesitate to start moving towards the bog. The second before she put her foot in, however, she pulled back, as a giant eye surfaced for a brief second before becoming submerged again. "Don't cross that way, that creature has powerful toxins that will put anyone to sleep!" Right. Now they all had to somehow cross without touching the bog. The rope would help, but they'd need to work together to even grab the darned thing. Needless to say, Hikari wasn't amused. "Oh, you won't die if you fall in, but I can promise that you'll be hauling unconscious members across the bog if you want to complete the simulation." Oracle chimed over the speakers.