As Jacque entered the simulator room, he eyed the bog with a mixture of nostalgia and displeasure, "Sadly most bogs are filled with toxins of a different kind. The things man destroys in his path to global conquest..." he quipped to himself before stepping a bit to the side, "If anyone's up for it, I could maybe transform and walk across, my scales might be able to offer resistance to the toxin. That or I could toss a volunteer across. One moment.". Jacque took a deep breath and once again transformed, going from man to monster in the span of twelve seconds before punctuating the end of his transformation with a guttural snarl. Jacque turned to the others and held out one clawed hand, curling all but his index finger inward as he pointed to the group, "[b]End Choice is up to you all. If no choose my plan, I follow what plan sound smartest.[/b]" he grumbled as he looked down on his now much smaller comrades.