Seth had arrived on the ship little more then an hour ago and walked down the halls observing almost every detail of the ship, from the features on the walls location of stars outside of the window his yellow eyes catching it all. The boy had been invited to the ship by Nari, who was an old friend of his whom he owed a large debt to for an unspoken reason, though was quite lost in finding her so he started to ask some other members of the crew. They pointed him towards the sick bay which, after a few wrong turns and enlisting the help of more people, he found and arrived in the medical bay. Once he had arrived the humanoid let out a slight sigh as he built his composure and entered the medical bay, his usual yellow eyes turning to a deep crimson red as he walked down "Nari?" Seth asked repeatedly in a hushed tone as to not awaken any sleeping patient while keeping his hands buried deep in his long jackets pockets and keeping the hood to that jacket up as to not attract too much unnecessary attention to himself.