Username: Roxas Name: Excel Nostros Age: 17 Gender: Male Birthday: June 1st Class: Mercenary Allied to?: Solo. (would actually like to be recruited later.) Weapons: Bronze Sword Clothing: Regular Mercenary clothing that you see in FE. Does not wear headgear, but, the clothing has a blue theme to it. Also wears a blue scarf over pretty much everything. The scarf rolls down his chest, but not too far.t Appearance: [img][/img] Stands at about 5'8. Rather pale skin, blonde hair, gray eyes. Personality: Excel is a pretty lazy person, usually opting to do nothing rather than spend his time working towards something. He’s often annoyed by things that aren’t in perfect place, but ultimately lacks the resolve to actually do so. He isn’t the belligerent type or the type to actually get angry, and tries to avoid fights rather than pick them. The one thing that can drive to fight someone, however, is a decent amount of cash, and competition. He does care deeply about excellence and just being better than the next guy. As for friendships, he does pretty nicely, provided that the perosn he’s talking to shares some interests. He tends to ask quite a bit of questions just for the sake of familiarity. Excel also forms opinions on people pretty quickly, but generally has a ‘good guy’ mindset. Biography: Excel grew up on Ferox, which would explain his affinity for the cold and his hate for warm weather. His parents weren’t much fighters of themselves, and were far from nobility, but had a rather abundant amount of cash. Excel believed that because of this, he had a chance of becoming a mage. His parents purchased tomes for him and sought out a private instructor, but it was clear that he simply had no talent for fighting with magic. Excel was devastated. Later in his life, his parents brought up swordplay to him. He was once again signed up with a private trainer and worked hard. Although he was clumsy with his fighting at first, his smaller frame and acrobatic nature allowed for some really nice maneuvers. Quite a few of his friends had already started up magic, which made him upset. It led him to a period of solitude, solely focusing on training and the way of the sword. While he grew proficient in that, when introduced to other style such as the bow and arrow, he refused to use them, much less duel against them. For one, he had learned many sword tactics and was much too lazy to study THAT many weapons. His parents hated his reluctance and around the age of 15, he left his house with his teacher in order to continue his training. After managing to cut down a bandit who attempted to assault a civilian, he embarked on his journey to being a Mercenary. He purchased the basic armor and often was around training and fighting people. After two years, he found himself in Ylisstol, having abandoned his master a couple of months before. Hearing of peace there, he hoped to scavenge some more cash so that he could live a life of serenity. Quirk: First to fall asleep. Strengths: Decent at reading foes. Great at fighting opponents with swords. (Not anything like Swordbreaker, more of a mental thing than anything.) Weaknesses: Is better at one vs one rather than group fights, so will require guidance if he’s not in one. Weapon triangle advantages don’t apply to him other than swords. Has weakness to lances/axes. Weakness to magic. Likes: Reading, sleeping, counting money. Dislikes: Magic, conflict, sparring Romantic Interest: N/A Other: Nothing comes to mind.