The wind was uncharacteristically cool for this time of year, caressing Vrissa’s face as Vulpen flew faster and higher. It had been too long since she had flown with Vulpen, and the animal gave her quite the cold shoulder when she first approached him. She frowned at the thought, truly hating that she wasn’t able to see him as much and that they weren’t invited to go with the army to do the raids. [i] It would have been a spectacular show [/i] she thought to herself, her long braid whipping behind her. They flew for what felt like hours, and when it was time to return Vulpen landed so lightly on his feet that it took Vrissa looking down over him to verify they were on land. She whipped a leg around and slid off his back, Vulpen giving a slight jolt to knock her off balance. “You horrid beast,” she said as she scratched his head and leaned her forehead against his. “I’m sorry it had been so long. I tried to convince them to let us go, but the Sargent was firm with his answer.” Vulpen shifted his feet and snorted, bumping his head into her chest lightly. Vrissa chuckled softly. “You are truly a horrid beast.” After saying her goodbyes and leaving a few choice carrots behind that she accidentally grabbed from the kitchens, Vrissa made her way back towards the mess halls. She preferred visiting him early in the mornings or very late at night, so there were less eyes about to watch them together. As she pushed the doors open she saw a few men already in there, beer mugs in hand. Her eyes narrowed and her face set in a stoic fashion. Truthfully, she hated most of the other men and women who served, their obnoxious and crude behaviors deterring her from ever talking with them. Methodically she went to the line and grabbed her usual: eggs, bacon, an apple and a cup of water. When she sat down at a table by herself, she grabbed a napkin and wrapped the apple up. [i]Not much, but it’s better than what he has been getting [/i], Vrissa thought as she tucked the apple away. Just then Vrissa noticed him, and from the looks of it he was already in a sour mood. [i]I can’t blame him [/i], she thought, [i] the incompetence in this room alone is enough to frustrate any leader [/i]. She took a few bites of her eggs, eyeing The Exalt as he walked and sat at a table. Quickly she shoved some bacon in her mouth and finished her eggs. From the looks of it, this breakfast was about to end. Sure enough, a loud banging on a table followed by some yelling quieted the room, The Exalt barking for everyone to leave. She scraped the last bit of eggs into her mouth and got up, leaving the mess halls quietly. Vrissa walked around the back of the building slowly, hands clasped behind her back, allowing her thoughts to ramble in her head. [i] If only we had been there, then the outcome may have been different [/i]. Although very unlikely that one, sole Pegasus Knight would change the fact that the Shepherds had not been captured yet, Vrissa was eager to serve and prove herself. Suddenly the shattering of glass above her sounded through the air, and a small object thumped on the ground not far from her. She bent over and found the projectile to have been an apple. [i] Ah [/i], a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she wrapped this apple with the one she already took from the mess hall, [i] Vulpen will be pleased[/i].