The harsh sun was beating down on Kai's skin and her dry throat and roaring stomach only further made her want to collaspe right where she was. It had been days since the few of the Sheapherds that remained had any form of water, and if they were to rest who know if they would get back up? All that could be seen was sand, sand, and even more sand. Thats all Kai had seen for the past couple of days, Plegia didn't seem to have any form of life anywhere and if people did live here, then how did they manage to survive? Maybe they were use to this scorching heat, and what seems difficult to the tiny group was rather easy for them. Kai looked over at Talbot who was probably feeling the same about this dreaded heat, and was hoping that water would pop out of anywhere. That was what everyone was probably wishing for, yet with what seemed like a never ending wasteland of sand, that would be nothing short of a miracle. If Kai was rumored to be an angry soul, then today it would proably show well enough. her whole body was irritated by the sweat never seemed to stop dripping down her body, and all the sweat in her hair was a pain to deal with. On the bright side Talbot started to play his Lute again which she commened him for having the strength to do so. Well if he had the strength to try and raise everyones moods even though he probably wanted to collapse right there, then she could have the strength to check ahead a bit for any source of water, or food for the tiny group that remained after the purge. Kai motivated herself into jogging, as she ran up beside Talbot. "I'll go look ahead for... anything at this point." She struggled to get out. Talking was much harder to do with her throat being dry. And with saying that she ran on ahead, despite her legs not really wanting to run.