((wat?)) Jurgen got most of his shopping done while Eve was searching for cereal. She didn't know where things were, so it took her a bit, and the cyborg was doing things the long way, so that took a bit, and it all evened out, as the pair met up again just as Jurgen was picking out the last of the groceries. "You're done? Cool!" the cyborg said, smiling, "I'm just about done myself..." he trailed off as he compared the pros and cons of two different brands, before realizing what Eve had picked for cereal. "Oh, you got that twinkie stuff? That's cool. You can grab some more if you like, that stuff lasts forever, and it's cheap too." he suggested. He could probably get a whole case of the stuff for cheap, but the problem was actually finding someone to sell him a case. Wholesale prices were nice, but vendors wanted volume, one case wasn't going to cut it. But whether she wanted more or not, it was pretty obvious that they were done here. Jurgen selected a brand almost at random, and then headed toward the registers. Thankfully, this store had finally implemented the cart-scanner system. The scanners just checked the whole cart, double-checked for sale items, and then told you how much you owed, so checking out was a breeze. Even during rush times, there was no waiting in line, since the slowest part of the process was collecting money, and just about everyone had automatic electronic bank accounts, so they could pay for their purchases with a single click. Even here in the junkyard, things were advancing rapidly. That, or the rich people were falling apart faster now, no one was sure. The two checked out, and the cyborg paid for everything. That took but a moment before they were off to home once more. "I figger we go home and put the groceries away, and then we'll go get you some clothes and a repair kit, and what not." Jurgen suggested. That would be easier than trying to lug everything around a clothing store, and the cyborg figured he could use the exercise. And even if he couldn't, it was good for him. If Eve seriously objected, he supposed they could do it her way, but he was going to want some good reasons for not putting the groceries away first...