At the doorway of the Training room stood what appeared to be a human, roughly 17 in age by the looks, wearing a heavy black trenchcoat, over a red button-down shirt, blue jeans and purple sports shoes. He watched Blake and Maria, and of course Hugo, interacting with each other, give a soft gentle smile at the two trying to support the demon. Blake reminded him of a demon he once knew about, a demon who also lost an arm, reacting the same way Blake is now. Unlike Blake, he never had the best surgeons implant a new arm in his place. He had to learn how to fight without it. Needless to say, Blake had it easy. Knowing that Maria has his side right now, the human, known only as X, walked off. He then looked to the medical to see what was going on there. Sure enough, there was the captain pinning someone against the wall. ...He knew this child, He overheard Nari talk about him. With this in mind, X made a loud clearing of the throat to get the attention of the Captain, Nari, and Seth. "If I may, I can vouch for him, Captain. I let him on board not too long ago while my assistance were helping in your recoveries. Nari did request for his assistance. With respect, If you have any problems, I recommend discussing it with us on the bridge, rather than here so as to ensure silence as my patients sleep." He said to Mike, a calm, gentle tone in his voice though silent to almost whisper so as to not disturb anyone sleeping here.